
pywhy_graphs.classes.timeseries.complete_ts_graph(variables: ~typing.List[~typing.Union[int, float, str, ~typing.Any]], max_lag: int, include_contemporaneous: bool = True, create_using=<class 'pywhy_graphs.classes.timeseries.digraph.StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph'>)[source]#

Create a complete time-series graph.

An analogous function for complete graph from networkx.


variables : list

List of variables in the time-series graph.

max_lag : int

The maximum lag.

include_contemporaneous : bool, optional

_description_, by default True

create_using : func, optional

The class to create, by default StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph.


G : StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph

The complete graph.