3.1.8. pywhy_graphs.networkx.is_minimal_m_separator#

pywhy_graphs.networkx.is_minimal_m_separator(G, x, y, z, i=None, r=None, directed_edge_name='directed', bidirected_edge_name='bidirected', undirected_edge_name='undirected')[source]#

Check if a set ‘z’ is a i-minimal m-separator between ‘x’ and ‘y’.

The function will first check if ‘z’ is a m-separator, and then check if it is minimal. An i-minimal m-separating set is a minimal m-separator that contains i.

This implements the algorithm TESTMINSEP presented in [1] for ancestral mixed graphs, but has been tested to work with non-ancestral graphs.

This implementation differs from the specification of TESTMINSEP in [1] in that we replace the check in line 6 with \(z - i \neq R_x\), and similarly in line 8 with \(z - i \neq R_y\). This change was deemed necessary because in line 4 all nodes in i are removed, so there cannot be paths from x to i in the augmented moralized graph, causing the algorithm to return false when a minimal m-separator existed.


G : mixed-edge-graph

Mixed edge causal graph.

x : node

Node in G.

y : node

Node in G.

z : set

Set of nodes in G representing the candidate minimal m-separator of x and y.

i : set

Set of nodes which are always included in the found separating set, default is None, which is later set to empty set.

r : set

Largest set of nodes which may be included in the found separating set, default is None, which is later set to all vertices in G.

directed_edge_name : str

Name of the directed edge, default is ‘directed’.

bidirected_edge_name : str

Name of the bidirected edge, default is ‘bidirected’.

undirected_edge_name : str

Name of the undirected edge, default is ‘undirected’.


is_minimal_m_sep : bool

If the set z is a minimal m-separator, returns True, else returns False.


[1] (1,2)

B. van der Zander, M. Liśkiewicz, and J. Textor, “Separators and Adjustment Sets in Causal Graphs: Complete Criteria and an Algorithmic Framework,” Artificial Intelligence, vol. 270, pp. 1–40, May 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.artint.2018.12.006.