2.2.2. pywhy_graphs.functional.apply_linear_soft_intervention#

pywhy_graphs.functional.apply_linear_soft_intervention(G, targets: Set[Union[int, float, str, Any]], type: str = 'additive', random_state=None)[source]#

Applies a soft intervention to a linear Gaussian graph.


G : Graph

Linear functional causal graph.

targets : Set[Node]

The set of nodes to intervene on simultanenously.

type : str, optional

Type of intervention, by default “additive”.

random_state : RandomState, optional

Random seed, by default None.


G : Graph

The functional linear causal graph with the intervention applied on the target nodes. The perturbation occurs on the gaussian_noise_function of the target nodes. That is, the soft intervention, perturbs the exogenous noise of the target nodes.