from typing import Callable, List, Set
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from pywhy_graphs.typing import Node
from .additive import generate_edge_functions_for_node
from .utils import _preprocess_parameter_inputs
[docs]def make_graph_linear_gaussian(
G: nx.DiGraph,
node_mean_lims: List[float] = None,
node_std_lims: List[float] = None,
edge_functions: List[Callable[[float], float]] = None,
edge_weight_lims: List[float] = None,
) -> nx.DiGraph:
r"""Convert an existing DAG to a linear Gaussian graphical model.
All nodes are sampled from a normal distribution with parametrizations
defined uniformly at random between the limits set by the input parameters.
The edges apply then a weight and a function based on the inputs in an additive fashion.
For node :math:`X_i`, we have:
.. math::
X_i = \\sum_{j \in parents} w_j f_j(X_j) + \\epsilon_i
- :math:`\\epsilon_i \sim N(\mu_i, \sigma_i)`, where :math:`\mu_i` is sampled
uniformly at random from `node_mean_lims` and :math:`\sigma_i` is sampled
uniformly at random from `node_std_lims`.
- :math:`w_j \sim U(\\text{edge_weight_lims})`
- :math:`f_j` is a function sampled uniformly at random
from `edge_functions`
G : NetworkX DiGraph
The graph to sample data from. The graph will be modified in-place
to get the weights and functions of the edges.
node_mean_lims : Optional[List[float]], optional
The lower and upper bounds of the mean of the Gaussian random variable, by default None,
which defaults to a mean of 0.
node_std_lims : Optional[List[float]], optional
The lower and upper bounds of the std of the Gaussian random variable, by default None,
which defaults to a std of 1.
edge_functions : List[Callable[float]], optional
The set of edge functions that take in an iid sample from the parent and computes
a transformation (possibly nonlinear), such as ``(lambda x: x**2, lambda x: x)``,
by default None, which defaults to the identity function ``lambda x: x``.
edge_weight_lims : Optional[List[float]], optional
The lower and upper bounds of the edge weight, by default None,
which defaults to a weight of 1.
random_state : int, optional
Random seed, by default None.
G : NetworkX DiGraph
NetworkX graph with the edge weights and functions set with node attributes
set with ``'parent_functions'``, and ``'gaussian_noise_function'``. Moreover
the graph attribute ``'linear_gaussian'`` is set to ``True``.
G = G.copy()
if hasattr(G, "get_graphs"):
directed_G = G.get_graphs("directed")
directed_G = G
if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(directed_G):
raise ValueError("The input graph must be a DAG.")
rng = np.random.default_rng(random_state)
# preprocess hyperparameters and check for validity
) = _preprocess_parameter_inputs(
node_mean_lims, node_std_lims, edge_functions, edge_weight_lims
# Create list of topologically sorted nodes
top_sort_idx = list(nx.topological_sort(directed_G))
# sample noise and edge functions for each node and its parents
for node in top_sort_idx:
# sample noise
mean = rng.uniform(low=node_mean_lims_[0], high=node_mean_lims_[1])
std = rng.uniform(low=node_std_lims_[0], high=node_std_lims_[1])
G.nodes[node]["gaussian_noise_function"] = {"mean": mean, "std": std}
# sample edge functions and weights
G.graph["linear_gaussian"] = True
return G
[docs]def apply_linear_soft_intervention(
G, targets: Set[Node], type: str = "additive", random_state=None
"""Applies a soft intervention to a linear Gaussian graph.
G : Graph
Linear functional causal graph.
targets : Set[Node]
The set of nodes to intervene on simultanenously.
type : str, optional
Type of intervention, by default "additive".
random_state : RandomState, optional
Random seed, by default None.
G : Graph
The functional linear causal graph with the intervention applied on the
target nodes. The perturbation occurs on the ``gaussian_noise_function``
of the target nodes. That is, the soft intervention, perturbs the
exogenous noise of the target nodes.
if not G.graph.get("linear_gaussian", True):
raise ValueError("The input graph must be a linear Gaussian graph.")
if not all(target in G.nodes for target in targets):
raise ValueError("All targets must be in the graph.")
rng = np.random.default_rng(random_state)
for target in targets:
if type == "additive":
G.nodes[target]["gaussian_noise_function"]["mean"] += rng.uniform(low=-1, high=1)
return G