Source code for pywhy_graphs.networkx.algorithms.causal.m_separation

import logging
from collections import deque

import networkx as nx

import pywhy_graphs.networkx as pywhy_nx

__all__ = ["m_separated", "minimal_m_separator", "is_minimal_m_separator"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def m_separated( G, x, y, z, directed_edge_name="directed", bidirected_edge_name="bidirected", undirected_edge_name="undirected", ): """Check m-separation among 'x' and 'y' given 'z' in mixed-edge causal graph G, which may contain directed, bidirected, and undirected edges. This implements the m-separation algorithm TESTSEP presented in [1]_ for ancestral mixed graphs. Further checks have ensure that it works for non-ancestral mixed graphs (e.g. ADMGs). The algorithm performs a breadth-first search over m-connecting paths between 'x' and 'y' (i.e. a path on which every node that is a collider is in 'z', and every node that is not a collider is not in 'z'). The algorithm has runtime :math:`O(|E| + |V|)` for number of edges :math:`|E|` and number of vertices :math:`|V|`. Parameters ---------- G : mixed-edge-graph Mixed edge causal graph. x : set First set of nodes in ``G``. y : set Second set of nodes in ``G``. z : set Set of conditioning nodes in ``G``. Can be empty set. directed_edge_name : str Name of the directed edge, default is directed. bidirected_edge_name : str Name of the bidirected edge, default is bidirected. undirected_edge_name : str Name of the undirected edge, default is undirected. Returns ------- b : bool A boolean that is true if ``x`` is m-separated from ``y`` given ``z`` in ``G``. References ---------- .. [1] B. van der Zander, M. Liśkiewicz, and J. Textor, “Separators and Adjustment Sets in Causal Graphs: Complete Criteria and an Algorithmic Framework,” Artificial Intelligence, vol. 270, pp. 1–40, May 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.artint.2018.12.006. See Also -------- networkx.algorithms.d_separation.d_separated Notes ----- This wraps the networkx implementation, which only allows DAGs and does not have an ``ADMG`` representation. """ if not isinstance(G, pywhy_nx.MixedEdgeGraph): raise nx.NetworkXError( "m-separation should only be run on a MixedEdgeGraph. If " 'you have a directed graph, use "d_separated" function instead.' ) if not set(G.edge_types).issubset( {directed_edge_name, bidirected_edge_name, undirected_edge_name} ): raise nx.NetworkXError( f"m-separation only works on graphs with directed, bidirected, and undirected edges. " f"Your graph passed in has the following edge types: {G.edge_types}, whereas " f"the function is expecting directed edges named {directed_edge_name}, " f"bidirected edges named {bidirected_edge_name}, and undirected edges " f"named {undirected_edge_name}." ) if directed_edge_name in G.edge_types: if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G.get_graphs(directed_edge_name)): raise nx.NetworkXError("directed edge graph should be directed acyclic") # contains -> and <-> edges from starting node T forward_deque = deque([]) forward_visited = set() # contains <- and - edges from starting node T backward_deque = deque(x) backward_visited = set() has_undirected = undirected_edge_name in G.edge_types if has_undirected: G_undirected = G.get_graphs(edge_type=undirected_edge_name) has_directed = directed_edge_name in G.edge_types an_z = z if has_directed: G_directed = G.get_graphs(edge_type=directed_edge_name) an_z = set().union(*[nx.ancestors(G_directed, x) for x in z]).union(z) has_bidirected = bidirected_edge_name in G.edge_types if has_bidirected: G_bidirected = G.get_graphs(edge_type=bidirected_edge_name) while forward_deque or backward_deque: if backward_deque: node = backward_deque.popleft() backward_visited.add(node) if node in y: return False if node in z: continue # add - edges to forward deque if has_undirected: for nbr in G_undirected.neighbors(node): if nbr not in backward_visited: backward_deque.append(nbr) if has_directed: # add <- edges to backward deque for x, _ in G_directed.in_edges(nbunch=node): if x not in backward_visited: backward_deque.append(x) # add -> edges to forward deque for _, x in G_directed.out_edges(nbunch=node): if x not in forward_visited: forward_deque.append(x) # add <-> edge to forward deque if has_bidirected: for nbr in G_bidirected.neighbors(node): if nbr not in forward_visited: forward_deque.append(nbr) if forward_deque: node = forward_deque.popleft() forward_visited.add(node) if node in y: return False # Consider if *-> node <-* is opened due to conditioning on collider, # or descendant of collider if node in an_z: if has_directed: # add <- edges to backward deque for x, _ in G_directed.in_edges(nbunch=node): if x not in backward_visited: backward_deque.append(x) # add <-> edge to backward deque if has_bidirected: for nbr in G_bidirected.neighbors(node): if nbr not in forward_visited: forward_deque.append(nbr) if node not in z: if has_undirected: for nbr in G_undirected.neighbors(node): if nbr not in backward_visited: backward_deque.append(nbr) if has_directed: # add -> edges to forward deque for _, x in G_directed.out_edges(nbunch=node): if x not in forward_visited: forward_deque.append(x) return True
def _anterior(G, start_nodes, directed_edge_name="directed", undirected_edge_name="undirected"): """Computes the anterior of a set of nodes in a graph with directed and undirected edges. This algorithm works through breadth-first search on mixed edge graphs with directed and undirected edges. All directed paths are ancestral and anterior. A path is also anterior if undirected edges could be replaced by directed edges to form a directed path. By definition, the anterior set includes the start nodes. Parameters ---------- G : mixed-edge-graph Mixed edge causal graph. start_nodes : set Set of nodes which are always included in the found separating set. directed_edge_name : str Name of the directed edge, default is directed. undirected_edge_name : str Name of the undirected edge, default is undirected. Returns ------- visited : set The anterior set of nodes References ---------- .. [1] B. van der Zander, M. Liśkiewicz, and J. Textor, “Separators and Adjustment Sets in Causal Graphs: Complete Criteria and an Algorithmic Framework,” Artificial Intelligence, vol. 270, pp. 1–40, May 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.artint.2018.12.006. """ queue = deque(start_nodes) visited = set() has_undirected = undirected_edge_name in G.edge_types if has_undirected: G_undirected = G.get_graphs(edge_type=undirected_edge_name) has_directed = directed_edge_name in G.edge_types if has_directed: G_directed = G.get_graphs(edge_type=directed_edge_name) while queue: m = queue.popleft() if has_directed: for x, _ in G_directed.in_edges(nbunch=m): if x not in visited: queue.append(x) visited.add(x) if has_undirected: for x in G_undirected.neighbors(m): if x not in visited: queue.append(x) visited.add(x) return visited.union(start_nodes)
[docs]def is_minimal_m_separator( G, x, y, z, i=None, r=None, directed_edge_name="directed", bidirected_edge_name="bidirected", undirected_edge_name="undirected", ): """Check if a set 'z' is a i-minimal m-separator between 'x' and 'y'. The function will first check if 'z' is a m-separator, and then check if it is minimal. An i-minimal m-separating set is a minimal m-separator that contains i. This implements the algorithm TESTMINSEP presented in [1]_ for ancestral mixed graphs, but has been tested to work with non-ancestral graphs. This implementation differs from the specification of TESTMINSEP in [1]_ in that we replace the check in line 6 with :math:`z - i \\neq R_x`, and similarly in line 8 with :math:`z - i \\neq R_y`. This change was deemed necessary because in line 4 all nodes in ``i`` are removed, so there cannot be paths from ``x`` to ``i`` in the augmented moralized graph, causing the algorithm to return false when a minimal m-separator existed. Parameters ---------- G : mixed-edge-graph Mixed edge causal graph. x : node Node in ``G``. y : node Node in ``G``. z : set Set of nodes in ``G`` representing the candidate minimal m-separator of ``x`` and ``y``. i : set Set of nodes which are always included in the found separating set, default is None, which is later set to empty set. r : set Largest set of nodes which may be included in the found separating set, default is None, which is later set to all vertices in ``G``. directed_edge_name : str Name of the directed edge, default is 'directed'. bidirected_edge_name : str Name of the bidirected edge, default is 'bidirected'. undirected_edge_name : str Name of the undirected edge, default is 'undirected'. Returns ------- is_minimal_m_sep : bool If the set ``z`` is a minimal m-separator, returns True, else returns False. References ---------- .. [1] B. van der Zander, M. Liśkiewicz, and J. Textor, “Separators and Adjustment Sets in Causal Graphs: Complete Criteria and an Algorithmic Framework,” Artificial Intelligence, vol. 270, pp. 1–40, May 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.artint.2018.12.006. """ if i is None: i = set() if r is None: r = set(G.nodes()) if not i <= z: raise nx.NetworkXError( f"Minimal set {i} should be no larger than proposed separating set {z}" ) if not z <= r: raise nx.NetworkXError(f"Separating set {z} should be no larger than maximum set {r}") if z - _anterior(G, {x, y}.union(i)) != set() or not z <= r: return False if not m_separated(G, x, y, z, directed_edge_name, bidirected_edge_name, undirected_edge_name): return False G_copy = G.copy() nodeset = {x, y}.union(i) anterior_nodes_G = _anterior(G_copy, nodeset) G_copy.remove_nodes_from(set(G.nodes()) - anterior_nodes_G) aug_G_p = pywhy_nx.mixed_edge_moral_graph( G_copy, directed_edge_name=directed_edge_name, bidirected_edge_name=bidirected_edge_name, undirected_edge_name=undirected_edge_name, ) for node in i: aug_G_p.remove_node(node) r_x = _bfs_with_marks(aug_G_p, x, z) # Note: we check z - i != r_x instead of z != r_x since # all nodes in i are removed from graph and so x will never have a path # to i. Appears to be bug in the original algorithm. if z - i != r_x: return False r_y = _bfs_with_marks(aug_G_p, y, z) # Note: we check z - i != r_y for similar reasons as above. if z - i != r_y: return False return True
[docs]def minimal_m_separator( G, x, y, i=None, r=None, directed_edge_name="directed", bidirected_edge_name="bidirected", undirected_edge_name="undirected", ): """Find a i-minimal m-separating set 'z' between 'x' and 'y' in mixed-edge causal graph G. The set which may contain directed, bidirected, and undirected edges. An i-minimal m-separating set is a minimal m-separator that contains i. This implements the m-separation algorithm FINDSEP presented in [1]_ for ancestral mixed graphs. The algorithm has runtime :math:`O(|E| + |V|)` for number of edges :math`|E|` and number of vertices :math:`|V|`. This implementation differs from the specification of FINDMINSEP in [1]_ in that all nodes in ``i`` are removed from the anterior graph :math:`G'`, in between lines 3 and 4. This change was deemed necessary because otherwise the TESTSEP call in line 7 would fail even if the union of ``z`` and ``i`` was a valid i-minimal m-separating set. Parameters ---------- G : mixed-edge-graph Mixed edge causal graph. x : node Node in ``G``. y : node Node in ``G``. i : set Set of nodes which are always included in the found separating set, default is None, which is later set to empty set. r : set Largest set of nodes which may be included in the found separating set, default is None, which is later set to all vertices in ``G``. directed_edge_name : str Name of the directed edge, default is 'directed'. bidirected_edge_name : str Name of the bidirected edge, default is 'bidirected'. undirected_edge_name : str Name of the undirected edge, default is 'undirected'. Returns ------- z : set | None If a separating set exists, returns a set of nodes which m-separates ``x`` and ``y``, otherwise returns None. References ---------- .. [1] B. van der Zander, M. Liśkiewicz, and J. Textor, “Separators and Adjustment Sets in Causal Graphs: Complete Criteria and an Algorithmic Framework,” Artificial Intelligence, vol. 270, pp. 1–40, May 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.artint.2018.12.006. """ if i is None: i = set() if r is None: r = set(G.nodes()) if not i <= r: raise nx.NetworkError(f"Minimal set {i} should be no larger than maximal set {r}") G_copy = G.copy() nodeset = {x, y}.union(i) anterior_nodes_G = _anterior(G_copy, nodeset) G_copy.remove_nodes_from(set(G_copy.nodes()) - anterior_nodes_G) G_p = G_copy.copy() aug_G_p = pywhy_nx.mixed_edge_moral_graph( G_copy, directed_edge_name=directed_edge_name, bidirected_edge_name=bidirected_edge_name, undirected_edge_name=undirected_edge_name, ) for node in i: aug_G_p.remove_node(node) for node in i: G_p.remove_node(node) z_prime = r.intersection( _anterior(G_copy, {x, y}, directed_edge_name, undirected_edge_name) ) - { x, y, } z_dprime = _bfs_with_marks(aug_G_p, x, z_prime) z = _bfs_with_marks(aug_G_p, y, z_dprime) if not m_separated( G_p, x, y, z, directed_edge_name, bidirected_edge_name, undirected_edge_name ): return None return z.union(i)
# XXX: If networkx makes the corresponding function in `` public, then we can # depend on that implementation def _bfs_with_marks(G, start_node, check_set): """Breadth-first-search with markings. Performs BFS starting from ``start_node`` and whenever a node inside ``check_set`` is met, it is "marked". Once a node is marked, BFS does not continue along that path. The resulting marked nodes are returned. Parameters ---------- G : nx.Graph An undirected graph. start_node : node The start of the BFS. check_set : set The set of nodes to check against. Returns ------- marked : set | None A set of nodes that were marked, or None if BFS failed to find any paths from ``start_node`` to ``check_set`` """ visited = dict() marked = set() queue = [] visited[start_node] = None queue.append(start_node) while queue: m = queue.pop(0) for nbr in G.neighbors(m): if nbr not in visited: # memoize where we visited so far visited[nbr] = None # mark the node in Z' and do not continue along that path if nbr in check_set: marked.add(nbr) else: queue.append(nbr) return marked