
pywhy_graphs.viz.timeseries_layout(G, variable_order=None, scale=5, center=None, aspect_ratio=1.3333333333333333)[source]#

Position nodes in a time-series layout from left to right with lags as columns.


G : TimeSeriesGraph

A timeseries graph.

variable_order : list, optional

List of variables in G to order from top to bottom, by default None, which would be a random order.

scale : int, optional

Scale factor for positions, by default 5.

center : ArrayLike, optional

The 2D array of the center, by default None, which will plot around the point (0, 0).

aspect_ratio : float, optional

The ratio of the width to the height of the layout, by default 4/3.


pos : dict

A dictionary of positions keyed by node.


The time-series layout lays out nodes from historical lags to the present (i.e. max-lag to t=0) in left to right fashion. It also keeps each row set as a specific time-series variable.

Examples using pywhy_graphs.viz.timeseries_layout#

Drawing timeseries graphs and setting their layout

Drawing timeseries graphs and setting their layout

Drawing timeseries graphs and setting their layout