
pywhy_graphs.sys_info(fid=None, show_paths=False, *, dependencies='user')[source]#

Print the system information for debugging.

This function is useful for printing system information to help triage bugs.


fid : file-like | None

The file to write to. Will be passed to print(). Can be None to use sys.stdout.

show_paths : bool

If True, print paths for each module.

dependencies : ‘user’ | ‘developer’

Show dependencies relevant for users (default) or for developers (i.e., output includes additional dependencies).


Running this function with no arguments prints an output that is useful when submitting bug reports:

>>> import pywhy_graphs
>>> pywhy_graphs.sys_info() 
Platform:      Linux-4.15.0-1067-aws-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5
Python:        3.8.1 (default, Feb  2 2020, 08:37:37)  [GCC 8.3.0]
Executable:    /usr/local/bin/python
CPU:           : 36 cores
Memory:        68.7 GB

numpy:            1.21.5 {OpenBLAS 0.3.17 with 8 threads}
scipy:            1.8.0
networkx:         2.8.8

sklearn:          1.2.0
matplotlib:       3.6.2 {backend=MacOSX}
pandas:           1.5.2
pygraphviz:       Not found
causal-learn:     no version info
joblib:           1.2.0

pywhy_graphs:     0.0.0
dodiscover:       Not found
dowhy:            0.8