Source code for pywhy_graphs.classes.timeseries.functions

from typing import Iterator, List

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from pywhy_graphs.classes.timeseries import StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph, TimeSeriesDiGraph
from pywhy_graphs.typing import Node, TsNode

[docs]def nodes_in_time_order(G) -> Iterator: """Return nodes from G in time order starting from max-lag to t=0. Parameters ---------- G : TimeSeriesGraph The timeseries graph. """ for t in range(G.max_lag, -1, -1): for node in G.nodes_at(t): yield node
[docs]def complete_ts_graph( variables: List[Node], max_lag: int, include_contemporaneous: bool = True, create_using=StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph, ): """Create a complete time-series graph. An analogous function for complete graph from networkx. Parameters ---------- variables : list List of variables in the time-series graph. max_lag : int The maximum lag. include_contemporaneous : bool, optional _description_, by default True create_using : func, optional The class to create, by default StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph. Returns ------- G : StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph The complete graph. """ G = create_using(max_lag=max_lag) # add all possible edges for u_node in variables: for v_node in variables: for u_lag in range(max_lag + 1): for v_lag in range(max_lag + 1): if u_lag < v_lag: continue # skip contemporaneous edges if necessary if not include_contemporaneous and u_lag == v_lag: continue # do not add self connections if u_node == v_node and u_lag == v_lag: continue # do not add cyclicity if u_lag == v_lag and ( G.has_edge((u_node, -u_lag), (v_node, -v_lag)) or G.has_edge((v_node, -v_lag), (u_node, -u_lag)) ): continue # if there is already an edge, do not add if G.has_edge((u_node, -u_lag), (v_node, -v_lag)): continue G.add_edge((u_node, -u_lag), (v_node, -v_lag)) return G
[docs]def empty_ts_graph(variables, max_lag, create_using=StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph): G = create_using(max_lag=max_lag) for node in variables: G.add_node((node, 0)) return G
[docs]def get_summary_graph(G, include_self_loops: bool = False) -> nx.DiGraph: """Compute the summary graph from a time-series graph. Parameters ---------- G : TimeSeriesDiGraph The time-series directed graph. Undirected are not supported. Returns ------- summary_G : nx.DiGraph A possibly cyclic graph. """ if not G.is_directed(): raise RuntimeError("Undirected graphs not supported.") # compute the summary graph summary_G = nx.DiGraph() # add all variables in ts-graph as nodes summary_G.add_nodes_from(G.variables) # loop through every non-lag node for node in G.nodes_at(t=0): var_name, _ = node for nbr in G.predecessors(node): nbr_name, _ = nbr # if this is a self-loop, check if we include these if not include_self_loops and var_name == nbr_name: continue # add nbr -> variable summary_G.add_edge(nbr_name, var_name) return summary_G
def get_extended_summary_graph(G: TimeSeriesDiGraph) -> nx.DiGraph: """Compute the extended summary graph from a ts-graph. Parameters ---------- G : TimeSeriesDiGraph The time-series directed graph. Undirected not supported yet. Returns ------- summary_G : nx.DiGraph An acyclic extended summary graph with nodes named as tuples of (<variable_name>, 0), or (<variable_name>, -1) for the present and past respectively. """ if not G.is_directed(): raise RuntimeError("Undirected graphs not supported.") # compute the summary graph summary_G = nx.DiGraph() # add all variables in ts-graph as nodes as tuples summary_G.add_nodes_from([(variable, 0) for variable in G.variables]) summary_G.add_nodes_from([(variable, -1) for variable in G.variables]) # loop through every non-lag node for node in G.nodes_at(t=0): var_name, _ = node for nbr in G.contemporaneous_neighbors(node): if G.has_edge(node, nbr): nbr_name, _ = nbr # add nbr -> variable summary_G.add_edge((var_name, 0), (nbr_name, 0)) for nbr in G.lagged_neighbors(node): nbr_name, _ = nbr # add nbr -> variable summary_G.add_edge((nbr_name, -1), (var_name, 0)) return summary_G
[docs]def has_homologous_edges(G, u_of_edge: TsNode, v_of_edge: TsNode) -> bool: """Check whether the graph contains all homologous edges for (u, v). Parameters ---------- G : time-series graph The time-series graph. If the graph is stationary, then it _must_ have all homologous edges. u_of_edge : TsNode From node. v_of_edge : TsNode To node. Returns ------- has_edge : bool Whether or not the graph contains all homologous edges. Notes ----- If the edge is from the max-lag to time point 0, then there are no homologous edges to check in the time-series graph. In this case, the function will return ``True``. """ u, u_lag = u_of_edge v, v_lag = v_of_edge u_lag = np.abs(u_lag) v_lag = np.abs(v_lag) to_t = v_lag from_t = u_lag for _ in range(u_lag, G._max_lag + 1): if not G.has_edge((u, -from_t), (v, -to_t)): return False to_t += 1 from_t += 1 return True