Demo for the DoWhy causal API#

We show a simple example of adding a causal extension to any dataframe.

import dowhy.datasets
import dowhy.api
from dowhy.graph import build_graph_from_str

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from statsmodels.api import OLS
data = dowhy.datasets.linear_dataset(beta=5,
        num_instruments = 0,
df = data['df']
df['y'] = df['y'] + np.random.normal(size=len(df)) # Adding noise to data. Without noise, the variance in Y|X, Z is zero, and mcmc fails.
nx_graph = build_graph_from_str(data["dot_graph"])

treatment= data["treatment_name"][0]
outcome = data["outcome_name"][0]
common_cause = data["common_causes_names"][0]
W0 v0 y
0 0.692489 True 6.513994
1 0.647121 True 8.080264
2 -0.291692 True 3.450810
3 1.054548 True 8.130324
4 -0.618836 True 3.947363
... ... ... ...
995 2.401029 True 9.171075
996 1.724637 True 8.373037
997 0.999508 True 7.068687
998 -0.378417 False 1.271395
999 -0.114634 True 4.968926

1000 rows × 3 columns

# data['df'] is just a regular pandas.DataFrame,
             variable_types={treatment: 'b', outcome: 'c', common_cause: 'c'},
            ).groupby(treatment).mean().plot(y=outcome, kind='bar')
<Axes: xlabel='v0'>
[4]:{treatment: 1},
              variable_types={treatment:'b', outcome: 'c', common_cause: 'c'},
              ).groupby(treatment).mean().plot(y=outcome, kind='bar')
<Axes: xlabel='v0'>
cdf_1 ={treatment: 1},
              variable_types={treatment: 'b', outcome: 'c', common_cause: 'c'},

cdf_0 ={treatment: 0},
              variable_types={treatment: 'b', outcome: 'c', common_cause: 'c'},

W0 v0 y propensity_score weight
0 1.232935 False 0.530949 0.070514 14.181545
1 -0.120800 False -1.078003 0.539004 1.855275
2 0.601958 False 2.265526 0.213499 4.683865
3 0.292528 False 0.574488 0.336535 2.971462
4 1.000027 False 0.634646 0.108299 9.233726
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 1.312027 False 3.808483 0.060733 16.465611
996 0.707995 False 1.570884 0.179726 5.564022
997 0.805173 False 1.552603 0.152575 6.554158
998 0.598637 False -0.046964 0.214628 4.659231
999 0.204984 False -1.838001 0.377095 2.651853

1000 rows × 5 columns

W0 v0 y propensity_score weight
0 0.411220 True 5.997172 0.714754 1.399083
1 1.470005 True 7.939459 0.955118 1.046991
2 0.302906 True 6.055634 0.668131 1.496713
3 0.763221 True 5.912023 0.836140 1.195972
4 -0.505381 True 3.969568 0.282244 3.543032
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 0.879454 True 5.608546 0.865835 1.154954
996 2.503162 True 10.771813 0.994207 1.005827
997 2.256445 True 8.361526 0.990499 1.009593
998 1.252414 True 6.828937 0.932022 1.072936
999 1.605996 True 8.848931 0.965529 1.035701

1000 rows × 5 columns

Comparing the estimate to Linear Regression#

First, estimating the effect using the causal data frame, and the 95% confidence interval.

(cdf_1['y'] - cdf_0['y']).mean()
$\displaystyle 5.60782363962144$
1.96*(cdf_1['y'] - cdf_0['y']).std() / np.sqrt(len(df))
$\displaystyle 0.16460849994063$

Comparing to the estimate from OLS.

model = OLS(np.asarray(df[outcome]), np.asarray(df[[common_cause, treatment]], dtype=np.float64))
result =
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared (uncentered): 0.973
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared (uncentered): 0.973
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 1.808e+04
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 08:35:02 Log-Likelihood: -1451.6
No. Observations: 1000 AIC: 2907.
Df Residuals: 998 BIC: 2917.
Df Model: 2
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
x1 1.9217 0.040 48.081 0.000 1.843 2.000
x2 5.0082 0.058 86.916 0.000 4.895 5.121
Omnibus: 0.132 Durbin-Watson: 1.898
Prob(Omnibus): 0.936 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.193
Skew: 0.020 Prob(JB): 0.908
Kurtosis: 2.945 Cond. No. 2.85

[1] R² is computed without centering (uncentered) since the model does not contain a constant.
[2] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.