2. Functional Causal Graphical Models#

Pywhy-graphs provides a layer to convert imbue causal graphs with a data-generating model. Currently, we only support linear models, but we plan to support non-linear and we also do not support latent confounders yet.

To add a latent confounder, one can add a confounder explicitly, generate the data and then drop the confounder variable in the final dataset. In the roadmap of this submodule, the plan is to represent any bidirected edge as a uniformly randomly distributed variable that has an additive noise effect on both variables simultaneously.

Each functional graph has a string assigned to the G.graph['functional'] networkX attribute, which informs the user of which type of functional graph is being used. Currently, we support the following types of functional graphs:

  • 'linear_gaussian': The graph is a linear-Gaussin functional graph.

  • 'discrete': The graph is a discrete functional graph.

2.1. Representing a node’s functional relationships#

Within an acyclic causal diagram, each node has a set of observed parents and an exogenous parent variable. The exogenous parent variable is the variable that is not a child of any other node in the graph and implicitly represents all exogenous noise in the causal system that affects said node. The set of observed parents can be the empty set. When there are observed parents, the node’s value is the following function:

\[node = f(observed\_parents, exogenous\_parent)\]

The causal diagram locally around node looks like \(observed\_parents \rightarrow node \leftarrow exogenous\_parent\), where observed_parents can be multiple sets of direct parents. In general, this can be arbitrarily complex, since the function f can mean anything. In our simulations, we assume additive noise, so the node is a linear combination of possibly nonlinear functions.

\[node = f(observed\_parents) + g(exogenous\_parent)\]

In order to represent this function, we imbue each node with a set of node attributes:

  • parent_function: This computes \(f(observed\_parents)\) for any node.

  • exogenous_function: This computes \(g(exogenous\_parent)\) for any node.

  • exogenous_distribution: This is the distribution of the exogenous variable for any node.

Then the node value is a deterministically computed. If there are no parents, then the node attribute will contain None. This enables stochasticity in the data-generating process due to the inherent randomness that we can attach to the distribution of exogenous_function. Due to the multivariate input nature of parent_function, it must be a Callable that takes (keyword) arguments of the observed parents and returns a single value. Due to the univariate input nature of exogenous_function, it must be a Callable that takes a single value and returns a single value.

Ordering of parent function arguments

It is presumed that the parent_function is a function of the observed parents in the sorted order that they are specified in the G.predecessors(node) list. For example, if the node node has observed parents [parent_1, parent_2], then the parent_function must be a function of parent_1 and parent_2 in that order.

2.1.1. Multiple Distributions: Interventions and Domain Shifts#

Next, we discuss how to represent multiple distributions in a single graph. In the context of causal inference, there are two graphical representations that allow for a general treatment of multiple distributions: the augmented causal diagram [1] and the selection diagram [2]. The augmented causal diagram is a graph that augments the original causal diagram with a set of F-nodes that represent interventions. The selection diagram is a graph that augments the original causal diagram with a set of S-nodes that represent domain shifts. In both cases, the augmented graph is acyclic. They can also be combined to simultaneously represent interventions and domain shifts.

To represent both types of distribution changes in the same graph, we note that S-nodes explicitly either change the type of function that is used to compute the node value, or changes the distribution of the exogenous parent variable. In the case of interventions, the function \(f\) is changed only.

Interventional distribution change:

In the interventional case, each F-node then points to any number of observed nodes in the graph.

Each observed variable node that a F-node points to has a node attribute intervention_functions that maps each of its parent F-nodes to a possibly new function that is used to compute \(f'(observed\_parents)\).

Domain change distribution change:

In the domain shift case, each S-node has a node attribute domains that is a unique tuple of domain integers, indicating the pair of domains that are being shifted between. Then each node that the S-node points to has a node attribute domain_parent_functions that maps each domain ID to a possibly new function that is used to compute \(f'(observed\_parents)\). In addition, each node that the S-node points to has a node attribute domain_exogenous_distribution that maps each domain to a possibly new function that is used to compute \(g'(exogenous\_parent)\).

Note to sample from multiple domain changes, we always set the smallest domain ID to be the reference distribution. For example, if domain IDs are (0, 1, 4, 5), then the reference domain is domain 0.

2.1.2. Sampling from the graph#

Now, we have discussed how we generally represent the functional relationships of each node in the graph. We now discuss how to sample from the graph. We first sample from the exogenous parent variable of every observed node in the graph, which may be a function of the domain ID if the domain ID is defined. Then, we sample the observed variables in topological order as a function of their exogenous variables and their causal parents. The distribution sampled here is always the observational distribution of the first domain (e.g. domain 1 out of N domains).

Given, a functional graph with multiple distributions (e.g. through interventions, or S-nodes), we can sample the additional distributions by sampling the observed nodes in topological order again. Consider sampling from a different domain. Each node that is a child of a S-node for the domain that we are considering is sampled from the following distribution:

\[node = f'(observed\_parents) + g'(exogenous\_parent)\]

where f’ and g’ are new functions that are encoded in the node’s domain_parent_functions and domain_exogenous_distribution dictionaries. These uniquely define the new distribution as a result of the domain shift.

Similarly, sampling from interventional distributions will consider each child of an F-node for the intervention and domain that we are considering (i.e. the input should specify the domain ID and the intervention setting we want to sample). Then we similarly sample the relevant domain_exogenous_distribution and intervention_functions. Note that domain_parent_functions are not used in the interventional case, since the interventions take precedence over the domain shift in terms of altering the functional relationship with respect to observed variables. However, we implicitly assume the exogenous distribution is unalterable by the intervention.

2.1.3. Limitations#

It is important to explicitly note some limitations of generating data with this API.

  1. The graph must be well-defined: The graph must be acyclic and already be defined with a structure, before adding functional relationships.

  2. The graph currently may not contain latent confounders: We plan to add this functionality in the future. But as of now, there is no way to represent the functional relationship of \(X \leftrightarrow Y\).

  3. Additive noise: Currently, we only support additive noise. We plan to add multiplicative noise in the future.

  4. Univariate input/output: We do not explore the possibility of a multivariate input/output distribution. For example, if \(X \in \mathbb{R}^d\) and a parent of X is \(Y \in \mathbb{R}^m\), where Y is m-dimensional and X is d-dimensional and f is a function mapping Y to X, then this is not supported.

  5. Randomness: Users cannot pass in a random state, or RNG directly to the sample_from_graph function, but rather must instantiate any random functions with the RNG during construction of the functional graph.

2.2. Specific Functional Graphs#

In this section, we discuss how to represent specific functional graphs with the API and some of their intricacies given the assumptions of the API discussed above.

2.2.1. Discrete functional graphs#

make_random_discrete_graph(G[, ...])

Sample a random discrete graph given a graph structure.

add_cpd_for_node(G, node, cpd[, ...])

Add CPD (Conditional Probability Distribution) to graph.

Discrete graphs can be fully represented by conditional probability tables (CPTs). Here, it is assumed each observed variable is discrete and the full set of possible values are known apriori. Hence, for each observed node, one can construct a table of their possible output values against the combination of different parent discrete values. Within each entry of the table, there is a probability value associated. This then gives us a model for \(P(X = x| Pa_X)\) for each value of X=x and possible value of Pa_X.

Therefore, each node in the graph has a node attribute cpt, which is associated with a pgmpy.factors.discrete.CPD.TabularCPD. We leverage pgmpy to represent CPTs and wrap an API around that. Given each CPT, the parent_function is fully defined as just a discrete distribution sampling with possibly non-uniform probabilities.

In order to represent a noisy discrete function, we define exogenous_function as the uniform discrete distribution over all possible values of the node. Then, we add a hyperparameter noise_ratio which is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, which defines the probability one uses the exogenous_function to sample the values of node. If one does not use the exogenous_function to sample the node, then the parent_function is used. The default value of noise_ratio is 0.

Adding interventions and multiple-domains is simple as the parent_function is overridden by their respective functions. We can view these different distributions as simply having a different CPT.

2.3. Linear#

In order to represent linear functions, we imbue nodes with a set of node attributes:

  • parent_functions: a mapping of functions that map each node to a nested dictionary

    of parents and their corresponding weight and function that map parent values to values that are input to the node value with the weight.

  • gaussian_noise_function: a dictionary with keys mean and std that

    encodes the data-generating function for the Gaussian noise.

    For example, if the node is \(X\) and its parents are \(Y\) and \(Z\), then parent_functions and gaussian_noise_function for node \(X\) is:

        'X': {
            'parent_functions': {
                'Y': {
                    'weight': <weight of Y added to X>,
                    'func': <function that takes input Y>,
                'Z': {
                    'weight': <weight of Z added to X>,
                    'func': <function that takes input Z>,
            'gaussian_noise_function': {
                'mean': <mean of gaussian noise added to X>,
                'std': <std of gaussian noise added to X>,

2.4. Linear#

In order to represent linear functions, we imbue nodes with a set of node attributes:

  • parent_functions: a mapping of functions that map each node to a nested dictionary

    of parents and their corresponding weight and function that map parent values to values that are input to the node value with the weight.

  • gaussian_noise_function: a dictionary with keys mean and std that

    encodes the data-generating function for the Gaussian noise.

    For example, if the node is \(X\) and its parents are \(Y\) and \(Z\), then parent_functions and gaussian_noise_function for node \(X\) is:

        'X': {
            'parent_functions': {
                'Y': {
                    'weight': <weight of Y added to X>,
                    'func': <function that takes input Y>,
                'Z': {
                    'weight': <weight of Z added to X>,
                    'func': <function that takes input Z>,
            'gaussian_noise_function': {
                'mean': <mean of gaussian noise added to X>,
                'std': <std of gaussian noise added to X>,

2.5. Linear functional graphs#

make_graph_linear_gaussian(G[, ...])

Convert an existing DAG to a linear Gaussian graphical model.

apply_linear_soft_intervention(G, targets[, ...])

Applies a soft intervention to a linear Gaussian graph.

2.6. Multidomain#

Currently, this submodule only supports linear functions.

Multiple-domain causal graphs are represented by selection diagrams [2], or augmented selection diagrams (TODO: CITATION FOR LEARNING SEL DIAGRAMS).

In order to represent multidomain functions, we imbue nodes with a set of node attributes in addition to the ones for linear functions. The nodes that are imbued with extra attributes are the direct children of an S-node.

  • invariant_domains: a list of domain IDs that are invariant for this node.

  • domain_gaussian_noise_function: a dictionary with keys mean and std that

    encodes the data-generating function for the Gaussian noise for each non-invariant domain.

        'X': {
            'domain_gaussian_noise_function': {
                <domain_id>: {
                    'mean': <mean of gaussian noise added to X>,
                    'std': <std of gaussian noise added to X>,
            'invariant_domains': [<domain_id>, ...],

2.7. Linear functional selection diagrams#

make_graph_multidomain(G[, n_domains, ...])

Convert an existing linear Gaussian DAG to a multi-domain selection diagram model.