Source code for pywhy_graphs.viz.draw

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

def _draw_pag_edges(
    directed_edges: List[Tuple] = None,
    circle_edges: List[Tuple] = None,
    undirected_edges: List[Tuple] = None,
    bidirected_edges: List[Tuple] = None,
    """Draw the PAG edges.

    PAG edges may have different endpoints.
    # keep track of edges with circular edges between each other because we want to
    # draw edges correctly when there are circular edges
    found_circle_sibs = set()

    # draw all possible causal edges on a graph
    if circle_edges is not None:
        for sib1, sib2 in circle_edges:
            # memoize if we have seen the bidirected circular edge before
            if f"{sib1}-{sib2}" in found_circle_sibs or f"{sib2}-{sib1}" in found_circle_sibs:

            # set directionality of the edges
            direction = "forward"

            # check if the circular edge is bidirectional
            if (sib2, sib1) in circle_edges:
                direction = "both"
                arrowtail = "odot"
            elif directed_edges is not None and (sib2, sib1) in directed_edges:
                direction = "both"
                arrowtail = "normal"
            sib1, sib2 = str(sib1), str(sib2)

    if undirected_edges is not None:
        for neb1, neb2 in undirected_edges:
            neb1, neb2 = str(neb1), str(neb2)
            dot.edge(neb1, neb2, dir="none", color="brown", **attrs)

    if bidirected_edges is not None:
        for sib1, sib2 in bidirected_edges:
            sib1, sib2 = str(sib1), str(sib2)
            dot.edge(sib1, sib2, dir="both", color="red", **attrs)
    return dot, found_circle_sibs

[docs]def draw( G, direction: Optional[str] = None, pos: Optional[dict] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, shape="square", **attrs, ): """Visualize the graph. Parameters ---------- G : pywhy_nx.MixedEdgeGraph The mixed edge graph. direction : str, optional The direction, by default None. See: pos : dict, optional The positions of the nodes keyed by node with (x, y) coordinates as values. By default None, which will use the default layout from graphviz. name : str, optional Label for the generated graph. shape : str The shape of each node. By default 'square'. Can be 'circle', 'plaintext'. attrs : dict Any additional edge attributes (must be strings). For more information, see documentation for GraphViz. Returns ------- dot : graphviz.Digraph DOT language representation of the graph. """ from graphviz import Digraph # make a dict to pass to the Digraph object g_attr = {"label": name} if name is not None: dot = Digraph(graph_attr=g_attr) else: dot = Digraph() # set direction from left to right if that's preferred if direction == "LR": dot.graph_attr["rankdir"] = direction circle_edges = None directed_edges = None undirected_edges = None bidirected_edges = None if hasattr(G, "circle_edges"): circle_edges = G.circle_edges if hasattr(G, "directed_edges"): directed_edges = G.directed_edges if hasattr(G, "undirected_edges"): undirected_edges = G.undirected_edges if hasattr(G, "bidirected_edges"): bidirected_edges = G.bidirected_edges # draw PAG edges and keep track of the circular endpoints found dot, found_circle_sibs = _draw_pag_edges( dot, directed_edges, circle_edges=circle_edges, undirected_edges=undirected_edges, bidirected_edges=bidirected_edges, ) if hasattr(G, "get_graphs"): directed_G = G.get_graphs("directed") else: directed_G = G for v in G.nodes: child = str(v) if pos and pos.get(v) is not None: dot.node(child, shape=shape, height=".5", width=".5", pos=f"{pos[v][0]},{pos[v][1]}!") else: dot.node(child, shape=shape, height=".5", width=".5") for parent in directed_G.predecessors(v): if parent == v or not directed_G.has_edge(parent, v): continue # memoize if we have seen the bidirected circular edge before if f"{child}-{parent}" in found_circle_sibs or f"{parent}-{child}" in found_circle_sibs: continue parent = str(parent) if parent == v: dot.edge(parent, child, style="invis", **attrs) else: dot.edge(parent, child, color="blue", **attrs) return dot