Source code for pywhy_graphs.export.tetrad

from typing import Dict

import pywhy_graphs
from pywhy_graphs.config import TetradEndpoint

[docs]def tetrad_to_graph(filename: str, graph_type): """Convert a tetrad stored graph from a text file to causal graph in pywhy. Parameters ---------- filename : str The file at which the tetrad file is stored. graph_type : str Type of pywhy causal graph to construct. One of ('pag', 'cpdag', 'admg', 'dag'). Returns ------- G : instance of causal graph The causal graph. Notes ----- See tetrad documentation: Warning: There is no guarantee or check that your file adheres to the tetrad format. """ # instantiate the type of causal graph if graph_type == "dag": G = pywhy_graphs.ADMG() elif graph_type == "admg": G = pywhy_graphs.ADMG() elif graph_type == "cpdag": G = pywhy_graphs.CPDAG() # type: ignore elif graph_type == "pag": G = pywhy_graphs.PAG() elif graph_type in [pywhy_graphs.ADMG, pywhy_graphs.CPDAG, pywhy_graphs.PAG]: G = graph_type() else: raise RuntimeError( f"The graph type {graph_type} is unrecognized. Please use one of " f"'dag', 'admg', 'cpdag', 'pag'." ) with open(filename, "r") as file: next_nodes_line = False for line in file.readlines(): line = line.strip() words = line.split() # add nodes to the graph if len(words) > 1 and words[1] == "Nodes:": next_nodes_line = True elif len(line) > 0 and next_nodes_line: next_nodes_line = False nodes = line.split(";") for node in nodes: G.add_node(node) # add edges elif len(words) > 0 and words[0][-1] == ".": next_nodes_line = False node1 = words[1] node2 = words[3] end1 = words[2][0] end2 = words[2][-1] if end1 == "<": end1 = ">" if end1 == TetradEndpoint.ARROW.value: if end2 == TetradEndpoint.ARROW.value: G.add_edge(node1, node2, G.bidirected_edge_name) elif end2 == TetradEndpoint.TAIL.value: G.add_edge(node1, node2, G.directed_edge_name) elif end2 == TetradEndpoint.CIRCLE.value: G.add_edge(node1, node2, G.circle_edge_name) G.add_edge(node2, node1, G.directed_edge_name) elif end1 == TetradEndpoint.TAIL.value: if end2 == TetradEndpoint.ARROW.value: G.add_edge(node2, node1, G.directed_edge_name) elif end2 == TetradEndpoint.TAIL.value: G.add_edge(node2, node1, G.undirected_edge_name) elif end2 == TetradEndpoint.CIRCLE.value: G.add_edge(node1, node2, G.circle_edge_name) elif end1 == TetradEndpoint.CIRCLE.value: if end2 == TetradEndpoint.ARROW.value: G.add_edge(node1, node2, G.directed_edge_name) G.add_edge(node2, node1, G.circle_edge_name) elif end2 == TetradEndpoint.TAIL.value: G.add_edge(node2, node1, G.circle_edge_name) elif end2 == TetradEndpoint.CIRCLE.value: G.add_edge(node1, node2, G.circle_edge_name) G.add_edge(node2, node1, G.circle_edge_name) return G
[docs]def graph_to_tetrad(G, filename: str): """Convert a pywhy causal graph to a tetrad text file. Parameters ---------- G : instance of causal graph Causal graph. filename : str Output text file to write tetrad formatted graph. """ tetrad_txt = "Graph Nodes:\n" graph_edge_dict: Dict = dict() for idx, node in enumerate(G.nodes): if idx == 0: tetrad_txt += f"{node}" else: tetrad_txt += f";{node}" # process all edge if node not in graph_edge_dict: graph_edge_dict[node] = dict() # get all neighbors nbrs = G.neighbors(node) # for each neighbor, get the type of edges node_nbr_str = "" for nbr in nbrs: if nbr not in graph_edge_dict: graph_edge_dict[nbr] = dict() if nbr in graph_edge_dict[node] or node in graph_edge_dict[nbr]: continue # process edge types among all possible nodes if G.has_edge(node, nbr, G.directed_edge_name): if not G.has_edge(nbr, node): node_nbr_str = "-->" elif G.has_edge(nbr, node, G.circle_edge_name): node_nbr_str = "o->" elif G.has_edge(node, nbr, G.bidirected_edge_name): node_nbr_str = "<->" elif G.has_edge(node, nbr, G.undirected_edge_name): node_nbr_str = "---" graph_edge_dict[node][nbr] = node_nbr_str tetrad_txt += "\n\n" tetrad_txt += "Graph Edges:\n" idx = 1 for node, nbr_dict in graph_edge_dict.items(): for nbr, edge_str in nbr_dict.items(): tetrad_txt += f"{idx}. {node} {edge_str} {nbr}\n" idx += 1 with open(filename, "w") as fout: fout.write(tetrad_txt) return tetrad_txt