from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import pywhy_graphs
from pywhy_graphs.classes.functions import edge_types
from pywhy_graphs.config import CLearnEndpoint, EdgeType
from pywhy_graphs.typing import Node
[docs]def graph_to_clearn(G) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[Node]]:
# define the array
arr = np.zeros((G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_nodes()), dtype=int)
# get the array index based on the order of nodes inside graph
arr_idx = list(G.nodes)
for u in G.nodes:
for v in G.nodes:
# if the nodes are the same, skip
if u == v:
# if there is no adjacency among u and v, then skip
if v not in G.neighbors(u):
# get indices
udx = arr_idx.index(u)
vdx = arr_idx.index(v)
# at this point, there is an edge among u and v
uv_edge_types = edge_types(G, u, v)
if len(uv_edge_types) == 1:
edge_type = uv_edge_types[0]
# if there is only one edge type and it is directed, then
# there are
if edge_type == EdgeType.DIRECTED.value:
if G.has_edge(u, v, EdgeType.DIRECTED.value):
# u -> v
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.ARROW
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
# u <- v
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.ARROW
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
elif edge_type == EdgeType.BIDIRECTED.value:
# <->
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.ARROW
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.ARROW
elif edge_type == EdgeType.UNDIRECTED.value:
# --
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
elif edge_type == EdgeType.CIRCLE.value:
if G.has_edge(u, v, EdgeType.CIRCLE.value) and G.has_edge(
v, u, EdgeType.CIRCLE.value
# u o-o v
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE
elif G.has_edge(u, v, EdgeType.CIRCLE.value) and not G.has_edge(v, u):
# u --o v
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
elif not G.has_edge(u, v) and G.has_edge(v, u, EdgeType.CIRCLE.value):
# u o-- v
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unrecognizd edge type {edge_type}. Use one of "
f"{[edge.value for edge in EdgeType]}."
elif len(uv_edge_types) == 2:
if (EdgeType.DIRECTED.value in uv_edge_types) and (
EdgeType.BIDIRECTED.value in uv_edge_types
if G.has_edge(u, v, EdgeType.DIRECTED.value):
# u -> v and u <-> v
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.ARROW_AND_ARROW
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
# u <- v and u <-> v
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.ARROW_AND_ARROW
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
elif (EdgeType.DIRECTED.value in uv_edge_types) and (
EdgeType.UNDIRECTED.value in uv_edge_types
if G.has_edge(u, v, EdgeType.DIRECTED.value):
# u -> v and u -- v
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_TAIL
# u <- v and u -- v
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_TAIL
elif (EdgeType.BIDIRECTED.value in uv_edge_types) and (
EdgeType.UNDIRECTED.value in uv_edge_types
# u -- v and u <-> v
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
elif EdgeType.CIRCLE.value in uv_edge_types:
# u *-o v or u o-* v
if G.has_edge(u, v, EdgeType.CIRCLE.value) and G.has_edge(
v, u, EdgeType.DIRECTED.value
# u <-o v
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.ARROW
elif G.has_edge(v, u, EdgeType.CIRCLE.value) and G.has_edge(
u, v, EdgeType.DIRECTED.value
# u o-> v
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint.ARROW
raise RuntimeError(
f"Causal-learn does not support more than two types of edges between nodes. "
f"There are {len(uv_edge_types)} edge types between {u} and {v}."
# set the array to the endpoint values
arr[udx, vdx] = endpoint_u.value
arr[vdx, udx] = endpoint_v.value
return arr, arr_idx
[docs]def clearn_to_graph(arr: np.ndarray, arr_idx: List[Node], graph_type: str):
"""Convert causal-learn array to a graph object.
arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_nodes, n_nodes)
The causal-learn array encoding the endpoints between nodes.
Columns are the starting node and rows are the ending node.
arr_idx : List[Node] of length (n_nodes)
The array index, which stores the name of the n_nodes in order of their
rows/columns in ``arr``.
graph_type : str, optional
The type of causal graph. Must be one of 'dag', 'admg', 'cpdag', 'pag'.
graph : pywhy_nx.MixedEdgeGraph
The causal graph.
if arr.shape[0] != arr.shape[1]:
raise RuntimeError("Only square arrays are convertible to pywhy-graphs.")
n_nodes = arr.shape[0]
if len(arr_idx) != n_nodes:
raise RuntimeError(
f"The number of node names in order of the array rows/columns, {len(arr_idx)} "
f"should match the number of rows/columns in array, {n_nodes}."
unique_edge_nums = np.unique(arr)
any(CLearnEndpoint(num) not in CLearnEndpoint for num in unique_edge_nums)
except ValueError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Some entries of array are not causal-learn specified, specifically: {e}"
# TODO: enable us to infer the type?
# instantiate the type of causal graph
if graph_type == "dag":
graph = pywhy_graphs.ADMG()
elif graph_type == "admg":
graph = pywhy_graphs.ADMG()
elif graph_type == "cpdag":
graph = pywhy_graphs.CPDAG() # type: ignore
elif graph_type == "pag":
graph = pywhy_graphs.PAG()
raise RuntimeError(
f"The graph type {graph_type} is unrecognized. Please use one of "
f"'dag', 'admg', 'cpdag', 'pag'."
# convert each non-zero array entry combination into
# an edge in the graph
for udx in range(n_nodes):
for vdx in range(n_nodes):
if udx == vdx:
endpoint_v = CLearnEndpoint(arr[vdx, udx])
endpoint_u = CLearnEndpoint(arr[udx, vdx])
u = arr_idx[udx]
v = arr_idx[vdx]
# First: check if there are two edges. If there
if any(
in [
for endpoint in (endpoint_u, endpoint_v)
# u -> v and u <-> v
if (
endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.ARROW_AND_ARROW
and endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.directed_edge_name)
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.bidirected_edge_name)
# u <- v and u <-> v
elif (
endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.ARROW_AND_ARROW
and endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
graph.add_edge(v, u, edge_type=graph.directed_edge_name)
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.bidirected_edge_name)
# u -> v and u -- v
elif (endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_TAIL) and (
endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.directed_edge_name)
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.undirected_edge_name)
# u <- v and u -- v
elif (endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_TAIL) and (
endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
graph.add_edge(v, u, edge_type=graph.directed_edge_name)
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.undirected_edge_name)
# u -- v and u <-> v
elif (endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW) and (
endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL_AND_ARROW
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.bidirected_edge_name)
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.undirected_edge_name)
# Else, there is only one edge between the two nodes and this is
# either a DAG, or an equivalence class
print("outside...", u, v, endpoint_u, endpoint_v)
# there are no circle edges, implying this is not a PAG at least
if all(endpoint != CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE for endpoint in (endpoint_u, endpoint_v)):
# u <--> v
if (endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.ARROW) and (
endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.ARROW
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.bidirected_edge_name)
# u -> v
elif (endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.ARROW) and (
endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.directed_edge_name)
# u <- v
elif (endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.ARROW) and (
endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
graph.add_edge(v, u, edge_type=graph.directed_edge_name)
# u -- v
elif (endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL) and (
endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.undirected_edge_name)
if not hasattr(graph, "circle_edge_name"):
raise RuntimeError(f"Graph {graph} is adding circular end points...")
# Endpoints contain a circle...
print(u, v, endpoint_u, endpoint_v)
if endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE and endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL:
print(endpoint_u, endpoint_v)
# u o- v
graph.add_edge(v, u, edge_type=graph.circle_edge_name) # type: ignore
elif endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.TAIL and endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE:
print(endpoint_u, endpoint_v, "second")
# u -o v
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.circle_edge_name) # type: ignore
elif endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.ARROW and endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE:
# u <-o v
graph.add_edge(v, u, edge_type=graph.directed_edge_name)
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.circle_edge_name)
elif endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE and endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.ARROW:
# u o-> v
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.directed_edge_name)
graph.add_edge(v, u, edge_type=graph.circle_edge_name)
elif (
endpoint_u == CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE and endpoint_v == CLearnEndpoint.CIRCLE
# u o-o v
graph.add_edge(u, v, edge_type=graph.circle_edge_name)
graph.add_edge(v, u, edge_type=graph.circle_edge_name)
if graph_type == "dag":
graph = graph.to_directed()
return graph
def graph_to_arr(
format: str = "causal-learn",
node_order: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[Node]]:
"""Convert a graph to a structured numpy array.
G : pywhy_nx.MixedEdgeGraph
The mixed edge causal graph.
format : str
The format of the numpy array. One of 'causal-learn'. Default
is 'causal-learn'.
node_order : np.ndarray of shape (n_nodes,)
The array of nodes in which we would like the order of the output array to
be. See Notes for more information.
arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_nodes, n_nodes)
The graph represented as a numpy array. See Notes for
more information.
arr_idx : List of length (n_nodes)
The list of nodes representing the order of the nodes
in the ``arr``.
The ``node_order`` parameter allows one to specify an array of nodes, with the order
corresponding to how the rows/columns of ``arr`` and order of ``arr_idx`` should be.
As of 09/05/2022, ``causal-learn`` does not explicitly support having a
"tail and a tail" endpoint at one node. For example, an undirected edge and
a directed edge: ``u -> v`` and ``u -- v``, indicating the presence of selection
bias as well as a direct causal relationship between u and v. We add this possibility
for encoding.
Moreover, ``causal-learn`` does not support adding more than 2 edges between nodes.
So simultaneous ``u -> v``, ``u -- v`` and ``u <-> v`` edges are not supported, although
in principle they can be present in an ADMG.
# TODO: add option for exporting to pcalg
if format == "causal-learn":
arr, arr_idx = graph_to_clearn(G)
if node_order is not None:
new_order = np.searchsorted(node_order, arr_idx)
arr = arr[np.ix_(new_order, new_order)]
arr_idx = [arr_idx[idx] for idx in new_order]
return arr, arr_idx