import numpy as np
import pywhy_graphs.networkx as pywhy_nx
from pywhy_graphs.typing import TsNode
from .base import BaseTimeSeriesGraph, tsdict
from .digraph import StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph, TimeSeriesDiGraph
from .graph import StationaryTimeSeriesGraph, TimeSeriesGraph
[docs]class TimeSeriesMixedEdgeGraph(BaseTimeSeriesGraph, pywhy_nx.MixedEdgeGraph):
"""A class to imbue mixed-edge graph with time-series structure.
This should not be used directly.
# whether or not the graph should be assumed to be stationary
stationary: bool = False
# overloaded factory dictionary types to hold time-series nodes
node_dict_factory = tsdict
node_attr_dict_factory = tsdict
# supported graph types
graph_types = (TimeSeriesGraph, TimeSeriesDiGraph)
def __init__(self, graphs=None, edge_types=None, max_lag=1, **attr):
if max_lag is not None:
if graphs is not None and not all(max_lag == graph.max_lag for graph in graphs):
raise ValueError(
f"Passing in max lag of {max_lag} to time-series mixed-edge graph, but "
f"sub-graphs have max-lag of {[graph.max_lag for graph in graphs]}."
elif graphs is not None:
# infer max lag
max_lags = [graph.max_lag for graph in graphs]
if len(np.unique(max_lags)) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"All max lags in passed in graphs must be equal: {max_lags}.")
max_lag = 1
if graphs is not None and not all(
issubclass(graph.__class__, self.graph_types) for graph in graphs
raise RuntimeError("All graphs for timeseries mixed-edge graph")
self.graph = dict()
self.graph["max_lag"] = max_lag
super().__init__(graphs, edge_types, **attr)
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Returns a copy of the graph.
Exactly the same as :meth:`pywhy_graphs.networkx.MixedEdgeGraph.copy`,
except this preserves the max lag graph attribute.
as_view : bool, optional (default=False)
If True, the returned graph-view provides a read-only view
of the original graph without actually copying any data.
G : Graph
A copy of the graph.
See Also
:meth:`pywhy_graphs.networkx.MixedEdgeGraph.to_directed`: return a
directed copy of the graph.
G = self.__class__(max_lag=self.max_lag)
graph_attr = G.graph
# add all internal graphs to the copy
for edge_type in self.edge_types:
graph_func = self._internal_graph_nx_type(edge_type=edge_type)
if edge_type not in G.edge_types:
G.add_edge_type(graph_func(**graph_attr), edge_type)
# add all nodes and edges now
G.add_nodes_from((n, d.copy()) for n, d in self.nodes.items())
for edge_type, adj in self.adj.items():
for u, nbrs in adj.items():
for v, datadict in nbrs.items():
if v[1] == 0:
G.add_edge(u, v, edge_type, **datadict.copy())
G.add_nodes_from((n, d.copy()) for n, d in self._node.items() if n[1] == 0)
return G
[docs] def add_edge(self, u_of_edge: TsNode, v_of_edge: TsNode, edge_type: str = "all", **attr):
super().add_edge(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, edge_type=edge_type, **attr)
[docs] def add_edges_from(self, ebunch, edge_type="all", **attr):
super().add_edges_from(ebunch, edge_type=edge_type, **attr)
[docs] def remove_edge(self, u_of_edge, v_of_edge, edge_type="all"):
super().remove_edge(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, edge_type) # type: ignore
[docs] def remove_edges_from(self, ebunch, edge_type="all"):
for edge in ebunch:
self.remove_edge(*edge, edge_type)
[docs] def add_homologous_edges(
self, u_of_edge: TsNode, v_of_edge: TsNode, direction="both", edge_type="all", **attr
"""Add homologous edges.
Assumes the edge that we consider is ``(u_of_edge, v_of_edge)``, that is 'u' points to 'v'.
u_of_edge : TsNode
The from node.
v_of_edge : TsNode
The to node. The absolute value of the time lag should be less than or equal to
the from node's time lag.
direction : str, optional
Which direction to add homologous edges to, by default 'both', corresponding
to making the edge stationary over all time.
if edge_type == "all":
for edge_type, graph in self.get_graphs().items():
graph.add_homologous_edges(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, direction=direction, **attr)
graph = self.get_graphs(edge_type=edge_type)
graph.add_homologous_edges(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, direction=direction, **attr)
[docs] def remove_homologous_edges(
self, u_of_edge: TsNode, v_of_edge: TsNode, edge_type: str = "all", direction="both"
"""Remove homologous edges.
Assumes the edge that we consider is ``(u_of_edge, v_of_edge)``, that is 'u' points to 'v'.
u_of_edge : TsNode
The from node.
v_of_edge : TsNode
The to node. The absolute value of the time lag should be less than or equal to
the from node's time lag.
direction : str, optional
Which direction to add homologous edges to, by default 'both', corresponding
to making the edge stationary over all time.
if edge_type == "all":
for edge_type, graph in self.get_graphs().items():
graph.remove_homologous_edges(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, direction=direction)
graph = self.get_graphs(edge_type=edge_type)
graph.remove_homologous_edges(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, direction=direction)
[docs]class StationaryTimeSeriesMixedEdgeGraph(TimeSeriesMixedEdgeGraph):
"""A mixed-edge causal graph for stationary time-series.
graphs : List of Graph | DiGraph
A list of networkx single-edge graphs.
edge_types : List of str
A list of names for each edge type.
max_lag : int, optional
The maximum lag, by default None.
attr : keyword arguments, optional (default= no attributes)
Attributes to add to graph as key=value pairs.
# whether or not the graph should be assumed to be stationary
stationary: bool = True
# supported graph types
graph_types = (StationaryTimeSeriesGraph, StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph)
def __init__(self, graphs=None, edge_types=None, max_lag: int = None, **attr):
super().__init__(graphs, edge_types, max_lag=max_lag, **attr)
def set_stationarity(self, stationary: bool):
self.stationary = stationary
for graph in self.get_graphs().values():
graph.stationary = stationary