from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, Iterator, Mapping
import networkx as nx
from pywhy_graphs.classes.base import AncestralMixin, ConservativeMixin
from pywhy_graphs.typing import Node
from .digraph import StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph
from .graph import StationaryTimeSeriesGraph
from .mixededge import StationaryTimeSeriesMixedEdgeGraph
[docs]class StationaryTimeSeriesCPDAG(
StationaryTimeSeriesMixedEdgeGraph, AncestralMixin, ConservativeMixin
"""Completed partially directed acyclic graphs (CPDAG).
CPDAGs generalize causal DAGs by allowing undirected edges.
Undirected edges imply uncertainty in the orientation of the causal
relationship. For example, ``A - B``, can be ``A -> B`` or ``A <- B``,
allowing for a Markov equivalence class of DAGs for each CPDAG.
incoming_directed_edges : input directed edges (optional, default: None)
Data to initialize directed edges. All arguments that are accepted
by `networkx.DiGraph` are accepted.
incoming_undirected_edges : input undirected edges (optional, default: None)
Data to initialize undirected edges. All arguments that are accepted
by `networkx.Graph` are accepted.
directed_edge_name : str
The name for the directed edges. By default 'directed'.
undirected_edge_name : str
The name for the directed edges. By default 'undirected'.
attr : keyword arguments, optional (default= no attributes)
Attributes to add to graph as key=value pairs.
See Also
CPDAGs are Markov equivalence class of causal DAGs. The implicit assumption in
these causal graphs are the Structural Causal Model (or SCM) is Markovian, inducing
causal sufficiency, where there is no unobserved latent confounder. This allows CPDAGs
to be learned from score-based (such as the "GES" algorithm) and constraint-based
(such as the PC algorithm) approaches for causal structure learning.
One should not use CPDAGs if they suspect their data has unobserved latent confounders.
def __init__(
directed_edge_name: str = "directed",
undirected_edge_name: str = "undirected",
stationary: bool = True,
self.stationary = stationary
StationaryTimeSeriesDiGraph(incoming_directed_edges, **attr), directed_edge_name
StationaryTimeSeriesGraph(incoming_undirected_edges, **attr), undirected_edge_name
self._directed_name = directed_edge_name
self._undirected_name = undirected_edge_name
from pywhy_graphs import is_valid_mec_graph
# check that construction of PAG was valid
# extended patterns store unfaithful triples
# these can be used for conservative structure learning algorithm
self._unfaithful_triples: Dict[FrozenSet[Node], None] = dict()
def undirected_edge_name(self) -> str:
"""Name of the undirected edge internal graph."""
return self._undirected_name
def directed_edge_name(self) -> str:
"""Name of the directed edge internal graph."""
return self._directed_name
def undirected_edges(self) -> Mapping:
"""``EdgeView`` of the undirected edges."""
return self.get_graphs(self._undirected_name).edges
def directed_edges(self) -> Mapping:
"""``EdgeView`` of the directed edges."""
return self.get_graphs(self._directed_name).edges
[docs] def sub_directed_graph(self) -> nx.DiGraph:
"""Sub-graph of just the directed edges."""
return self._get_internal_graph(self._directed_name)
[docs] def sub_undirected_graph(self) -> nx.Graph:
"""Sub-graph of just the undirected edges."""
return self._get_internal_graph(self._undirected_name)
[docs] def orient_uncertain_edge(self, u: Node, v: Node) -> None:
"""Orient undirected edge into an arrowhead.
If there is an undirected edge u - v, then the arrowhead
will orient u -> v. If the correct order is v <- u, then
simply pass the arguments in different order.
u : node
The parent node
v : node
The node that 'u' points to in the graph.
if not self.has_edge(u, v, self._undirected_name):
raise RuntimeError(f"There is no undirected edge between {u} and {v}.")
u, v = sorted([u, v], key=lambda x: x[1]) # type: ignore
self.remove_edge(u, v, self._undirected_name)
self.add_edge(u, v, self._directed_name)
[docs] def possible_children(self, n: Node) -> Iterator[Node]:
"""Return an iterator over children of node n.
Children of node 'n' are nodes with a directed
edge from 'n' to that node. For example,
'n' -> 'x', 'n' -> 'y'. Nodes only connected
via a bidirected edge are not considered children:
'n' <-> 'y'.
n : node
A node in the causal DAG.
children : Iterator
An iterator of the children of node 'n'.
for nbr in self.neighbors(n):
if not self.has_edge(nbr, n, self.directed_edge_name):
yield nbr
[docs] def possible_parents(self, n: Node) -> Iterator[Node]:
"""Return an iterator over parents of node n.
Parents of node 'n' are nodes with a directed
edge from 'n' to that node. For example,
'n' <- 'x', 'n' <- 'y'. Nodes only connected
via a bidirected edge are not considered parents:
'n' <-> 'y'.
n : node
A node in the causal DAG.
parents : Iterator
An iterator of the parents of node 'n'.
for nbr in self.neighbors(n):
if not self.has_edge(n, nbr, self.directed_edge_name):
yield nbr
[docs] def add_edge(self, u_of_edge, v_of_edge, edge_type="all", **attr):
from pywhy_graphs.algorithms.generic import _check_adding_cpdag_edge
self, u_of_edge=u_of_edge, v_of_edge=v_of_edge, edge_type=edge_type
return super().add_edge(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, edge_type, **attr)
[docs] def add_edges_from(self, ebunch_to_add, edge_type, **attr):
from pywhy_graphs.algorithms.generic import _check_adding_cpdag_edge
for u_of_edge, v_of_edge in ebunch_to_add:
self, u_of_edge=u_of_edge, v_of_edge=v_of_edge, edge_type=edge_type
return super().add_edges_from(ebunch_to_add, edge_type, **attr)