Source code for pywhy_graphs.classes.admg
from typing import Iterator, Mapping, Set
import networkx as nx
import pywhy_graphs.networkx as pywhy_nx
from .base import AncestralMixin
[docs]class ADMG(pywhy_nx.MixedEdgeGraph, AncestralMixin):
"""Acyclic directed mixed graph (ADMG).
A causal graph with two different edge types: bidirected and traditional
directed edges. Directed edges constitute causal relations as a
causal DAG did, while bidirected edges constitute the presence of a
latent confounder.
incoming_directed_edges : input directed edges (optional, default: None)
Data to initialize directed edges. All arguments that are accepted
by `networkx.DiGraph` are accepted.
incoming_bidirected_edges : input bidirected edges (optional, default: None)
Data to initialize bidirected edges. All arguments that are accepted
by `networkx.Graph` are accepted.
incoming_undirected_edges : input undirected edges (optional, default: None)
Data to initialize undirected edges. All arguments that are accepted
by `networkx.Graph` are accepted.
directed_edge_name : str
The name for the directed edges. By default 'directed'.
bidirected_edge_name : str
The name for the bidirected edges. By default 'bidirected'.
undirected_edge_name : str
The name for the directed edges. By default 'undirected'.
attr : keyword arguments, optional (default= no attributes)
Attributes to add to graph as key=value pairs.
See Also
**Edge Type Subgraphs**
The data structure underneath the hood is stored in two networkx graphs:
``networkx.Graph`` and ``networkx.DiGraph`` to represent the non-directed
edges and directed edges. Non-directed edges in an ADMG can be present as
bidirected edges standing for latent confounders, or undirected edges
standing for selection bias.
- Directed edges (<-, ->, indicating causal relationship) = `networkx.DiGraph`
The subgraph of directed edges may be accessed by the
`ADMG.sub_directed_graph`. Their edges in networkx format can be
accessed by `ADMG.directed_edges` and the corresponding name of the
edge type by `ADMG.directed_edge_name`.
- Bidirected edges (<->, indicating latent confounder) = `networkx.Graph`
The subgraph of bidirected edges may be accessed by the
`ADMG.sub_bidirected_graph`. Their edges in networkx format can be
accessed by `ADMG.bidirected_edges` and the corresponding name of the
edge type by `ADMG.bidirected_edge_name`.
- Undirected edges (--, indicating selection bias) = `networkx.Graph`
The subgraph of undirected edges may be accessed by the
`ADMG.sub_undirected_graph`. Their edges in networkx format can be
accessed by `ADMG.undirected_edges` and the corresponding name of the
edge type by `ADMG.undirected_edge_name`.
By definition, no cycles may exist due to the directed edges. However, beyond
that multiple types of edges between the same pairs of nodes are possible.
def __init__(
directed_edge_name: str = "directed",
bidirected_edge_name: str = "bidirected",
undirected_edge_name: str = "undirected",
self.add_edge_type(nx.DiGraph(incoming_directed_edges), directed_edge_name)
self.add_edge_type(nx.Graph(incoming_bidirected_edges), bidirected_edge_name)
self.add_edge_type(nx.Graph(incoming_undirected_edges), undirected_edge_name)
self._directed_name = directed_edge_name
self._bidirected_name = bidirected_edge_name
self._undirected_name = undirected_edge_name
if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.sub_directed_graph()):
raise RuntimeError(f"{self} is not a DAG, which it should be.")
def undirected_edge_name(self) -> str:
"""Name of the undirected edge internal graph."""
return self._undirected_name
def directed_edge_name(self) -> str:
"""Name of the directed edge internal graph."""
return self._directed_name
def bidirected_edge_name(self) -> str:
"""Name of the bidirected edge internal graph."""
return self._bidirected_name
[docs] def c_components(self) -> Iterator[Set]:
"""Generate confounded components of the graph.
Note the trivial c-component of a node without bidirected
edges is the node themself.
comp : iterator of sets
The c-components.
return nx.connected_components(self.sub_bidirected_graph())
def bidirected_edges(self) -> Mapping:
"""``EdgeView`` of the bidirected edges."""
return self.get_graphs(self._bidirected_name).edges
def undirected_edges(self) -> Mapping:
"""``EdgeView`` of the undirected edges."""
return self.get_graphs(self._undirected_name).edges
def directed_edges(self) -> Mapping:
"""``EdgeView`` of the directed edges."""
return self.get_graphs(self._directed_name).edges
[docs] def sub_directed_graph(self) -> nx.DiGraph:
"""Sub-graph of just the directed edges."""
return self._get_internal_graph(self._directed_name)
[docs] def sub_bidirected_graph(self) -> nx.Graph:
"""Sub-graph of just the bidirected edges."""
return self._get_internal_graph(self._bidirected_name)
[docs] def sub_undirected_graph(self) -> nx.Graph:
"""Sub-graph of just the undirected edges."""
return self._get_internal_graph(self._undirected_name)