:orphan: .. include:: _contributors.rst .. _changes_0_1: What's new? =========== Here we list a changelog of pywhy-graphs. .. contents:: Contents :local: :depth: 3 .. currentmodule:: pywhy_graphs .. _0_1: Version 0.1 =========== Changelog --------- - |Feature| Add keyword argument for graph labels in :func:`pywhy_graphs.viz.draw`, by `Aryan Roy`_ (:pr:`71`) - |Feature| Implement minimal m-separator function in :func:`pywhy_graphs.networkx.minimal_m_separator` with a BFS approach, by `Jaron Lee`_ (:pr:`53`) - |Feature| Implement m-separation :func:`pywhy_graphs.networkx.m_separated` with the BallTree approach, by `Jaron Lee`_ (:pr:`48`) - |Feature| Add support for undirected edges in m-separation :func:`pywhy_graphs.networkx.m_separated`, by `Jaron Lee`_ (:pr:`46`) - |Feature| Implement uncovered circle path finding inside the :func:`pywhy_graphs.algorithms.uncovered_pd_path`, by `Jaron Lee`_ (:pr:`42`) - |Feature| Implement and test the :class:`pywhy_graphs.CPDAG` for CPDAGs, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`6`) - |Feature| Implement and test the :class:`pywhy_graphs.PAG` for PAGs, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`9`) - |Feature| Implement and test various PAG algorithms :func:`pywhy_graphs.algorithms.possible_ancestors`, :func:`pywhy_graphs.algorithms.possible_descendants`, :func:`pywhy_graphs.algorithms.discriminating_path`, :func:`pywhy_graphs.algorithms.pds`, :func:`pywhy_graphs.algorithms.pds_path`, and :func:`pywhy_graphs.algorithms.uncovered_pd_path`, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`10`) - |Feature| Implement an array API wrapper to convert between causal graphs in pywhy-graphs and causal graphs in ``causal-learn``, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`16`) - |Feature| Implement an acyclification algorithm for converting cyclic graphs to acyclic with :func:`pywhy_graphs.algorithms.acyclification`, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`17`) - |Feature| Adding a layout for the nodes positions in the :func:`pywhy_graphs.viz.draw` function, by `Julien Siebert`_ (:pr:`26`) - |Feature| Add :class:`pywhy_graphs.networkx.MixedEdgeGraph` for mixed-edge graphs, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`29`) - |MajorFeature| Implement a series of graph classes for time-series graphs, such as ``pywhy_graphs.classes.timeseries.StationaryTimeSeriesMixedEdgeGraph``, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`21`) - |MajorFeature| Implement a series of graph classes for modeling interventions, such as :class:`pywhy_graphs.AugmentedGraph`, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`49`) - |Feature| Implement export/import functions to go to/from pywhy-graphs to causallearn and to/from pywhy-graphs to numpy, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`51`) - |Feature| Implement export/import functions to go to/from pywhy-graphs to pcalg and tetrad, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`60`) - |Feature| Implement export/import functions to go to/from pywhy-graphs to ananke-causal, by `Jaron Lee`_ (:pr:`63`) - |Feature| Implement pre-commit hooks for development, by `Jaron Lee`_ (:pr:`68`) - |Feature| Implement a new submodule for converting graphs to a functional model, with :func:`pywhy_graphs.functional.make_graph_linear_gaussian`, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`75`) - |Feature| Implement a multidomain linear functional graph, with :func:`pywhy_graphs.functional.make_graph_multidomain`, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`77`) - |Feature| Implement and test functions to find inducing paths between two nodes, `Aryan Roy`_ (:pr:`78`) - |Feature| Implement general functional API for sampling and generating a functional causal graph, by `Adam Li`_ (:pr:`82`) Code and Documentation Contributors ----------------------------------- Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the maintenance and improvement of the project since version inception, including: * `Adam Li`_ * `Julien Siebert`_ * `Jaron Lee`_ * `Aryan Roy`_