Source code for pywhy_graphs.algorithms.cpdag

from enum import Enum

import networkx as nx

import pywhy_graphs as pg

__all__ = ["pdag_to_dag", "dag_to_cpdag", "pdag_to_cpdag", "order_edges", "label_edges"]

class EDGELABELS(Enum):
    """Edge labels for a CPDAG."""

    COMPELLED = "compelled"
    REVERSIBLE = "reversible"
    UNKNOWN = "unknown"

def is_clique(G, nodelist):
    H = G.subgraph(nodelist)
    n = len(nodelist)
    return H.size() == n * (n - 1) / 2

[docs] def order_edges(G: nx.DiGraph): """Find total ordering of the edges of DAG G. A total ordering is a topological sorting of the nodes, and then ordering all possible edges according to Algorithm 4 in :footcite:`chickering2002learning`. The edges are sorted such that the edges obey the topological sorting of the nodes, but also is sorted such that the source node of the edge is ordered based on the topological sort as well. Parameters ---------- G : DAG A directed acyclic graph. Returns ------- list A list of edges in the DAG. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G): raise ValueError("G must be a directed acyclic graph") nx.set_edge_attributes(G, None, "order") ordered_nodes = list(nx.topological_sort(G)) idx = 0 while any([G[u][v]["order"] is None for u, v in G.edges]): # get all edges that are still not ordered unordered_edges = [(u, v) for u, v in G.edges if G[u][v]["order"] is None] # get the lowest order unlabeled edge's destination node y = sorted(unordered_edges, key=lambda x: ordered_nodes.index(x[1]))[-1][-1] # find the highest order node such that x -> y is not ordered unlabeled_y_parent_edges = [u for u in G.predecessors(y) if G[u][y]["order"] is None] x = sorted(unlabeled_y_parent_edges, key=lambda x: ordered_nodes.index(x))[0] # label the edge order G[x][y]["order"] = idx idx += 1 return G
[docs] def label_edges(G: nx.DiGraph): """Label compelled and reversible edges of a DAG G. Label the edges of a DAG G as either compelled or reversible. Compelled edges are edges that are compelled to be directed in a consistent extension of G. Reversible edges are edges that are not required to be directed in a consistent extension of G. For full details, see Algorithm 5 in :footcite:`chickering2002learning`. Parameters ---------- G : DAG The directed acyclic graph to label. Returns ------- DAG The labelled DAG with edge attribute ``"label"`` as either ``"compelled"`` or ``"reversible"``. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G): raise ValueError("G must be a directed acyclic graph") if not all([G[u][v].get("order") is not None for u, v in G.edges]): raise ValueError("G must have all edges ordered via the `order` attribute") nx.set_edge_attributes(G, EDGELABELS.UNKNOWN, "label") while any([edge[-1] == EDGELABELS.UNKNOWN for edge in"label")]): # find the lowest order edge with an unknown label unknown_edges = [ (src, target) for src, target, label in"label") if label == EDGELABELS.UNKNOWN ] unknown_edges.sort(key=lambda edge: G.edges[edge]["order"]) x, y = unknown_edges[-1] # now find every edge w -> x that is labeled as compelled w_nodes = [w for w in G.predecessors(x) if G[w][x]["label"] == EDGELABELS.COMPELLED] continue_while_loop = False for node in w_nodes: # For all compelled edges w -> x, if there is no edge w -> y, # we can label the edge x -> y as compelled if not G.has_edge(node, y): for src, target in G.in_edges(y): G[src][target]["label"] = EDGELABELS.COMPELLED # now, we start over at the beginning of the while loop continue_while_loop = True break else: # w -> y is compelled, since there is an edge w -> x that is compelled # so w is a confounder G[node][y]["label"] = EDGELABELS.COMPELLED if continue_while_loop: continue # now, we check if there an edge z -> y such that: # 1. z != x # 2. z is not a parent of x # If so, then label all unknown edges into y (including x -> y) # as compelled # otherwise, label all unknown edges with reversible label z_exists = len([z for z in G.predecessors(y) if z != x and not G.has_edge(z, x)]) for src, target in G.in_edges(y): if G[src][target]["label"] == EDGELABELS.UNKNOWN: if z_exists: G[src][target]["label"] = EDGELABELS.COMPELLED else: G[src][target]["label"] = EDGELABELS.REVERSIBLE return G
[docs] def pdag_to_dag(G): """Compute consistent extension of given PDAG resulting in a DAG. Implements the algorithm described in Figure 11 of :footcite:`chickering2002learning`. Parameters ---------- G : CPDAG A partially directed acyclic graph. Returns ------- DAG A directed acyclic graph. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if set(["directed", "undirected"]) != set(G.edge_types): raise ValueError("Only directed and undirected edges are allowed in a CPDAG") G = G.copy() dir_G: nx.DiGraph = G.get_graphs(edge_type="directed") undir_G: nx.Graph = G.get_graphs(edge_type="undirected") full_undir_G: nx.Graph = G.to_undirected() # initialize a DAG for the consistent extension dag = nx.DiGraph(dir_G) nodes_memo = {node: None for node in G.nodes} found = False while len(nodes_memo) > 0: found = False idx = 0 nodes = list(nodes_memo.keys()) # select a node, x, which: # 1. has no outgoing edges # 2. all undirected neighbors are adjacent to all its adjacent nodes while not found and idx < len(nodes): # check that there are no outgoing edges for said node node_is_sink = dir_G.out_degree(nodes[idx]) == 0 if not node_is_sink: idx += 1 continue # since there are no outgoing edges, all directed adjacencies are parent nodes # now check that all undirected neighbors are adjacent to all its adjacent nodes undir_nbrs = list(undir_G.neighbors(nodes[idx])) nearby_is_clique = False if len(undir_nbrs) != 0: parents = dir_G.predecessors(nodes[idx]) # adj = full_undir_G.neighbors(nodes[idx]) undir_nbrs_and_parents = set(undir_nbrs).union(set(parents)) nearby_is_clique = is_clique(full_undir_G, undir_nbrs_and_parents) if len(undir_nbrs) == 0 or nearby_is_clique: found = True # now, we orient all undirected edges between x and its neighbors # such that ``nbr -> x`` for nbr in undir_nbrs: dag.add_edge(nbr, nodes[idx], edge_type="directed") # remove x from the "graph" and memoization del nodes_memo[nodes[idx]] dir_G.remove_node(nodes[idx]) undir_G.remove_node(nodes[idx]) full_undir_G.remove_node(nodes[idx]) else: idx += 1 # if no node satisfies condition 1 and 2, then the PDAG does not # admit a consistent extension if not found: print(nodes_memo) raise ValueError(f"No consistent extension found for PDAG: {G}, {G.edges()}") return dag
[docs] def dag_to_cpdag(G): """Convert a DAG to a CPDAG. Creates a CPDAG from a DAG. Parameters ---------- G : DAG Directed acyclic graph. """ G = order_edges(G) G = label_edges(G) # now construct CPDAG cpdag = pg.CPDAG() # for all compelled edges, add a directed edge compelled_edges = [ (u, v) for u, v, label in"label") if label == EDGELABELS.COMPELLED ] cpdag.add_edges_from(compelled_edges, edge_type="directed") # for all reversible edges, add an undirected edge reversible_edges = [ (u, v) for u, v, label in"label") if label == EDGELABELS.REVERSIBLE ] cpdag.add_edges_from(reversible_edges, edge_type="undirected") return cpdag
[docs] def pdag_to_cpdag(G): """Convert a PDAG to a CPDAG. Parameters ---------- G : PDAG A partially directed acyclic graph that is not completed. Returns ------- CPDAG A completed partially directed acyclic graph. """ dag = pdag_to_dag(G) return dag_to_cpdag(dag)