Much like machine learning libraries have done for prediction, “DoWhy” is a Python library that aims to spark causal thinking and analysis. DoWhy provides a principled four-step interface for causal inference that focuses on explicitly modeling causal assumptions and validating them as much as possible. The key feature of DoWhy is its state-of-the-art refutation API that can automatically test causal assumptions for any estimation method, thus making inference more robust and accessible to non-experts. DoWhy supports estimation of the average causal effect for backdoor, frontdoor, instrumental variable and other identification methods, and estimation of the conditional effect (CATE) through an integration with the EconML library.
DoWhy Documentation
DoWhy GitHub Repository

EconML is a Python package that applies the power of machine learning techniques to estimate individualized causal responses from observational or experimental data. The suite of estimation methods provided in EconML represents the latest advances in causal machine learning. By incorporating individual machine learning steps into interpretable causal models, these methods improve the reliability of what-if predictions and make causal analysis quicker and easier for a broad set of users.
EconML Documentation
EconML GitHub Repository

If you are new to causal inference, it may be helpful to walk through a quick overview of concepts and techniques that we refer to over the course of the documentation. We provide a high level introduction to causal inference tailored for EconML.

causal-learn is a python package for causal discovery that implements both classical and state-of-the-art causal discovery algorithms, which is a Python translation and extension of Tetrad.
causal-learn Documentation

CausalTune is a library for automated tuning and selection for causal estimators.
CausalTune enables automatic estimator tuning and selection by out-of-sample scoring of causal estimators, notably using the energy score. We perform automated hyperparameter tuning of first stage models (for the treatment and outcome models) as well as hyperparameter tuning and model selection for the second stage model (causal estimator). Underlying estimators are taken from EconML, augmented by CausalTune, and called in a uniform fashion via a DoWhy wrapper. We use FLAML for hyperparameter optimisation.
CausalTune Documentation
CausalTune GitHub Repository