Source code for dowhy.gcm.unit_change

"""This module provides the APIs for attributing the change in the output value of a deterministic mechanism for a statistical unit.

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from dowhy.gcm.fcms import PredictionModel
from import SklearnRegressionModel
from dowhy.gcm.shapley import ShapleyConfig, estimate_shapley_values

[docs]class LinearPredictionModel: @property @abstractmethod def coefficients(self) -> np.ndarray: pass
[docs]class SklearnLinearRegressionModel(SklearnRegressionModel, LinearPredictionModel): def __init__(self, sklearn_mdl: LinearModel) -> None: super(SklearnLinearRegressionModel, self).__init__(sklearn_mdl) @property def coefficients(self) -> np.ndarray: check_is_fitted(self.sklearn_model) return self.sklearn_model.coef_
[docs]def unit_change( background_df: pd.DataFrame, foreground_df: pd.DataFrame, input_column_names: List[str], background_mechanism: PredictionModel, foreground_mechanism: Optional[PredictionModel] = None, shapley_config: Optional[ShapleyConfig] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function attributes the change in the output value of a deterministic mechanism for a statistical unit to each input and optionally for the mechanism if `foreground_mechanism` is provided. The technical method is described in the following research paper: Kailash Budhathoki, George Michailidis, Dominik Janzing. *Explaining the root causes of unit-level changes*. arXiv, 2022. :param background_df: The background dataset. :param foreground_df: The foreground dataset. :param input_column_names: The names of the input columns. :param background_mechanism: The background mechanism. If the mechanism does not change, then this mechanism is used for attribution. :param foreground_mechanism: The foreground mechanism. If provided, the method also attributes the output change to the change in the mechanism. :param shapley_config: The configuration for calculating Shapley values. :return: A dataframe containing the contributions of each input and optionally the mechanism to the change in the output values of the deterministic mechanism(s) for given inputs. """ if foreground_mechanism: if isinstance(background_mechanism, LinearPredictionModel): return unit_change_linear( background_mechanism, background_df, foreground_mechanism, foreground_df, input_column_names ) else: return unit_change_nonlinear( background_mechanism, background_df, foreground_mechanism, foreground_df, input_column_names, shapley_config, ) if isinstance(background_mechanism, LinearPredictionModel): return unit_change_linear_input_only(background_mechanism, background_df, foreground_df, input_column_names) else: return unit_change_nonlinear_input_only( background_mechanism, background_df, foreground_df, input_column_names, shapley_config )
[docs]def unit_change_nonlinear( background_mechanism: PredictionModel, background_df: pd.DataFrame, foreground_mechanism: PredictionModel, foreground_df: pd.DataFrame, input_column_names: List[str], shapley_config: Optional[ShapleyConfig] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the contributions of mechanism and each input to the change in the output values of a non-linear deterministic mechanism. The technical method is described in the following research paper: Kailash Budhathoki, George Michailidis, Dominik Janzing. *Explaining the root causes of unit-level changes*. arXiv, 2022. :param background_mechanism: The background mechanism. :param background_df: The background data. :param foreground_mechanism: The foreground mechanism. :param foreground_df: The foreground data. :param input_column_names: The names of the input (features) columns in both dataframes. :param shapley_config: The configuration for calculating Shapley values. :return: A pandas dataframe with attributions to each cause for the change in each output row of provided dataframes. """ _check_if_input_columns_exist(background_df, foreground_df, input_column_names) def payoff(player_indicator: List[int]) -> np.ndarray: """The last cell in the binary vector represents the player 'mechanism'.""" input_arrays = [] for i, is_player_active in enumerate(player_indicator[:-1]): selected_df = foreground_df if is_player_active else background_df input_arrays.append(selected_df[input_column_names[i]].to_numpy()) mechanism = foreground_mechanism if player_indicator[-1] else background_mechanism return mechanism.predict(np.column_stack(input_arrays)).flatten() contributions = estimate_shapley_values(payoff, len(input_column_names) + 1, shapley_config) root_causes = input_column_names + ["f"] return pd.DataFrame(contributions, columns=root_causes)
[docs]def unit_change_linear( background_mechanism: LinearPredictionModel, background_df: pd.DataFrame, foreground_mechanism: LinearPredictionModel, foreground_df: pd.DataFrame, input_column_names: List[str], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the contributions of mechanism and each input to the change in the output values of a linear deterministic mechanism. :param background_mechanism: The linear background mechanism. :param background_df: The background data. :param foreground_mechanism: The linear foreground mechanism. :param foreground_df: The foreground data. :param input_column_names: The names of the input columns in both dataframes. :return: A pandas dataframe with attributions to each cause for the change in each output row of provided dataframes. """ _check_if_input_columns_exist(background_df, foreground_df, input_column_names) coeffs_total = background_mechanism.coefficients + foreground_mechanism.coefficients # p x 1 coeffs_diff = foreground_mechanism.coefficients - background_mechanism.coefficients # p x 1 input_total = foreground_df[input_column_names].to_numpy() + background_df[input_column_names].to_numpy() # n x p input_diff = foreground_df[input_column_names].to_numpy() - background_df[input_column_names].to_numpy() # n x p contribution_input = 0.5 * np.einsum("ij,ki->ki", coeffs_total.reshape(-1, 1), input_diff) contribution_mechanism = 0.5 * np.einsum("ij,ki->k", coeffs_diff.reshape(-1, 1), input_total) contribution_df = pd.DataFrame(contribution_input, columns=input_column_names) contribution_df["f"] = contribution_mechanism # TODO: Handle the case where 'f' is an input column name return contribution_df
[docs]def unit_change_nonlinear_input_only( mechanism: PredictionModel, background_df: pd.DataFrame, foreground_df: pd.DataFrame, input_column_names: List[str], shapley_config: Optional[ShapleyConfig] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the contributions of each input to the change in the output values of a non-linear deterministic mechanism. The technical method is a modification of the attribution method described in the following research paper, without mechanism as a player: Kailash Budhathoki, George Michailidis, Dominik Janzing. *Explaining the root causes of unit-level changes*. arXiv, 2022. :param mechanism: The mechanism. :param background_df: The background data. :param foreground_df: The foreground data. :param input_column_names: The names of the input (features) columns in both dataframes. :param shapley_config: The configuration for calculating Shapley values. :return: A pandas dataframe with attributions to each cause for the change in each output row of provided dataframes. """ _check_if_input_columns_exist(background_df, foreground_df, input_column_names) def payoff(player_indicator: List[int]) -> np.ndarray: input_arrays = [] for i, is_player_active in enumerate(player_indicator): selected_df = foreground_df if is_player_active else background_df input_arrays.append(selected_df[input_column_names[i]].to_numpy()) return mechanism.predict(np.column_stack(input_arrays)).flatten() contributions = estimate_shapley_values(payoff, len(input_column_names), shapley_config) return pd.DataFrame(contributions, columns=input_column_names)
[docs]def unit_change_linear_input_only( mechanism: LinearPredictionModel, background_df: pd.DataFrame, foreground_df: pd.DataFrame, input_column_names: List[str], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the contributions of each input to the change in the output values of a linear deterministic mechanism. :param mechanism: The linear mechanism. :param background_df: The background data. :param foreground_df: The foreground data. :param input_column_names: The names of the input (features) columns in both dataframes. :return: A pandas dataframe with attributions to each cause for the change in each output row of provided dataframes. """ _check_if_input_columns_exist(background_df, foreground_df, input_column_names) input_diff = foreground_df[input_column_names].to_numpy() - background_df[input_column_names].to_numpy() # n x p contribution_input = np.einsum("ij,ki->ki", mechanism.coefficients.reshape(-1, 1), input_diff) return pd.DataFrame(contribution_input, columns=input_column_names)
def _check_if_input_columns_exist( background_df: pd.DataFrame, foreground_df: pd.DataFrame, input_column_names: List[str] ) -> None: if not len(set(background_df.columns).intersection(input_column_names)) == len(input_column_names) or not len( set(foreground_df.columns).intersection(input_column_names) ) == len(input_column_names): raise ValueError("Input column names not found in either the background or the foreground data.")