Source code for dowhy.utils.cit

from collections import defaultdict
from math import log

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm, t

[docs]def compute_ci(r=None, nx=None, ny=None, confidence=0.95): """Compute Parametric confidence intervals around correlation coefficient. See : This is done by applying Fisher's r to z transform z = .5[ln((1+r)/(1-r))] = arctanh(r) The Standard error is 1/sqrt(N-3) where N is sample size The critical value for normal distribution for a corresponding confidence level is calculated from stats.norm.ppf((1 - alpha)/2) for two tailed test The lower and upper condidence intervals in z space are calculated with the formula z ± critical value*error The confidence interval is then converted back to r space :param stat : correlation coefficient :param nx : length of vector x :param ny :length of vector y :param confidence : Confidence level (0.95 = 95%) :returns : array containing confidence interval """ assert r is not None and nx is not None assert isinstance(confidence, float) assert 0 < confidence < 1 z = np.arctanh(r) # Fisher Transform from r to z se = 1 / np.sqrt(nx - 3) # Standard error = 1/sqrt(N-3) where N is sample size crit = np.abs(norm.ppf((1 - confidence) / 2)) # Z-critical value ci_z = np.array([z - crit * se, z + crit * se]) # CI = point estimator ± critical value*error ci = np.tanh(ci_z) # Back Transform to r-space return ci
[docs]def partial_corr(data=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, method="pearson"): """Calculate Partial correlation which is the degree of association between x and y after removing effect of z. This is done by calculating correlation coefficient between the residuals of two linear regressions : x\sim z, y\sim z See : 1 2 3 4 :param data : pandas dataframe :param x : Column name in data :param y : Column name in data :param z : string or list :param method : string denoting the correlation type - "pearson" or "spearman" : returns: a python dictionary with keys as n: Sample size r: Partial correlation coefficient CI95: 95% parametric confidence intervals p-val: p-value """ assert data.shape[0] > 2 # Check for atleast 3 samples assert x != z # x and z should be distinct assert y != z # y and z should be distinct assert x != y # x and y should be distinct if isinstance(z, list): assert x not in z # x and z should be distinct assert y not in z # y and z should be distinct combined_variables = [x, y] # Combine all variables - x, y and z for var in z: combined_variables.append(var) data = data[combined_variables].dropna() # Drop missing values n = data.shape[0] # Number of samples after dropping missing values k = data.shape[1] - 2 # Number of covariates assert n > 2 if method == "spearman": V = data.rank(na_option="keep").cov() # Change data to rank for spearman correlation else: V = data.astype(float).cov() # Computing Covariance Matrix Vi = np.linalg.pinv(V, hermitian=True) # Computing Inverse Covariance Matrix Vi_diag = Vi.diagonal() # Storing variance D = np.diag(np.sqrt(1 / Vi_diag)) # Storing Standard Deviations from diagonal of inverse covariance matrix pcor = -1 * (D @ Vi @ D) r = pcor[0, 1] if np.isnan(r): return {"n": n, "r": np.nan, "CI95%": np.nan, "p-val": np.nan} # Finding p-value using student T test dof = n - k - 2 # Degree of freedom for multivariate analysis tval = r * np.sqrt(dof / (1 - r**2)) # Test statistic pval = 2 * t.sf(np.abs(tval), dof) # Calculate p-value corresponding to the test statistic and degree of freedom ci = compute_ci(r=r, nx=(n - k), ny=(n - k)) # Finding Confidence Interval ci = np.round(ci, 3) stats = { "n": n, "r": r, "CI95%": [ci], "p-val": pval.round(5), } return stats
[docs]def entropy(x): """ " Returns entropy for a random variable x H(x) = - Σ p(x)log(p(x)) :param x : random variable to calculate entropy for :returns : entropy of random variable """ d = defaultdict(lambda: 0) s = 0.0 entr = 0.0 for i in x: d[i] += 1 # Calculating frequency of an event s += 1 for i in d: p = d[i] / s # Calculating probability for an event entr -= p * log(p, 2) # H(x) = - Σ p(x)log(p(x)) return entr
[docs]def conditional_MI(data=None, x=None, y=None, z=None): """ Method to return conditional mutual information between X and Y given Z I(X, Y | Z) = H(X|Z) - H(X|Y,Z) = H(X,Z) - H(Z) - H(X,Y,Z) + H(Y,Z) = H(X,Z) + H(Y,Z) - H(X,Y,Z) - H(Z) :param data : dataset :param x,y,z : column names from dataset :returns : conditional mutual information between X and Y given Z """ X = data[list(x)].astype(int) Y = data[list(y)].astype(int) t = list(z) Z = data[t].astype(int) Z = Z.values.tolist() Z = list(data[t].itertuples(index=False, name=None)) Hxz = entropy(map(lambda x: "%s/%s" % x, zip(X, Z))) # Finding Joint entropy of X and Z Hyz = entropy(map(lambda x: "%s/%s" % x, zip(Y, Z))) # Finding Joint entropy of Y and Z Hz = entropy(Z) # Finding Entropy of Z Hxyz = entropy(map(lambda x: "%s/%s/%s" % x, zip(X, Y, Z))) # Finding Joint Entropy of X, Y and Z return Hxz + Hyz - Hxyz - Hz