Source code for dowhy.utils.regression

import numpy as np

[docs]def get_numeric_features(X): """ Finds the numeric feature columns in a dataset :param X: pandas dataframe returns: list of indices of numeric features """ numeric_features_names = list(X.select_dtypes("number")) numeric_features = [] for col_name in numeric_features_names: col_index = X.columns.get_loc(col_name) numeric_features.append(col_index) return numeric_features
[docs]def generate_moment_function(W, g): """ Generate and returns moment function m(W,g) = g(1,W) - g(0,W) for Average Causal Effect """ shape = (W.shape[0], 1) ones = np.ones(shape) zeros = np.zeros(shape) non_treatment_data = W[:, 1:] # assume that treatment is one-dimensional. data_0 = np.hstack([zeros, non_treatment_data]) # data with treatment = 1 data_1 = np.hstack([ones, non_treatment_data]) # data with treatment = 0 return g(data_1) - g(data_0)
[docs]def create_polynomial_function(max_degree): """ Creates a list of polynomial functions :param max_degree: degree of the polynomial function to be created :returns: list of lambda functions """ polynomial_function = [] for degree in range(max_degree + 1): def poly_term(x): return x[:, [0]] ** degree polynomial_function.append(poly_term) return polynomial_function