Source code for dowhy.datasets

"""Module for generating some sample datasets.


import math
import string

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as ss
from numpy.random import choice
from scipy.stats import bernoulli, halfnorm, poisson, uniform
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor

from dowhy.utils.graph_operations import add_edge, del_edge, get_random_node_pair, get_simple_ordered_tree

[docs]def sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
[docs]def convert_to_binary(x, stochastic=True): p = sigmoid(x) if stochastic: return choice([0, 1], 1, p=[1 - p, p]) else: return int(p > 0.5)
[docs]def stochastically_convert_to_three_level_categorical(x): p = sigmoid(x) return choice([0, 1, 2], 1, p=[0.8 * (1 - p), 0.8 * p, 0.2])
[docs]def convert_to_categorical(arr, num_vars, num_discrete_vars, quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], one_hot_encode=False): arr_with_dummy = arr.copy() # Below loop assumes that the last indices of W are alwawys converted to discrete for arr_index in range(num_vars - num_discrete_vars, num_vars): # one-hot encode discrete W arr_bins = np.quantile(arr[:, arr_index], q=quantiles) arr_categorical = np.digitize(arr[:, arr_index], bins=arr_bins) if one_hot_encode: dummy_vecs = np.eye(len(quantiles) + 1)[arr_categorical] arr_with_dummy = np.concatenate((arr_with_dummy, dummy_vecs), axis=1) else: arr_with_dummy = np.concatenate((arr_with_dummy, arr_categorical[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1) # Now deleting the old continuous value for arr_index in range(num_vars - 1, num_vars - num_discrete_vars - 1, -1): arr_with_dummy = np.delete(arr_with_dummy, arr_index, axis=1) return arr_with_dummy
[docs]def construct_col_names(name, num_vars, num_discrete_vars, num_discrete_levels, one_hot_encode): colnames = [(name + str(i)) for i in range(0, num_vars - num_discrete_vars)] if one_hot_encode: discrete_colnames = [ name + str(i) + "_" + str(j) for i in range(num_vars - num_discrete_vars, num_vars) for j in range(0, num_discrete_levels) ] colnames = colnames + discrete_colnames else: colnames = colnames + [(name + str(i)) for i in range(num_vars - num_discrete_vars, num_vars)] return colnames
[docs]def linear_dataset( beta, num_common_causes, num_samples, num_instruments=0, num_effect_modifiers=0, num_treatments=None, num_frontdoor_variables=0, treatment_is_binary=True, treatment_is_category=False, outcome_is_binary=False, stochastic_discretization=True, num_discrete_common_causes=0, num_discrete_instruments=0, num_discrete_effect_modifiers=0, stddev_treatment_noise=1, stddev_outcome_noise=0.01, one_hot_encode=False, ): """ Generate a synthetic dataset with a known effect size. This function generates a pandas dataFrame with num_samples records. The variables follow a naming convention where the first letter indicates its role in the causality graph and then a sequence number. :param beta: coefficient of the treatment(s) ('v?') in the generating equation of the outcome ('y'). :type beta: int or list/ndarray of length num_treatments of type int :param num_common_causes: Number of variables affecting both the treatment and the outcome [w -> v; w -> y] :type num_common_causes: int :param num_samples: Number of records to generate :type num_samples: int :param num_instruments: Number of instrumental variables [z -> v], defaults to 0 :type num_instruments: int :param num_effect_modifiers: Number of effect modifiers, variables affecting only the outcome [x -> y], defaults to 0 :type num_effect_modifiers: int :param num_treatments: Number of treatment variables [v]. By default inferred from the beta argument. When provided, beta is recycled to match num_treatments. :type num_treatments : Union[None, int] :param num_frontdoor_variables : Number of frontdoor mediating variables [v -> FD -> y], defaults to 0 :type num_frontdoor_variables: int :param treatment_is_binary: Cannot be True if treatment_is_category is True, defaults to True :type treatment_is_binary: bool :param treatment_is_category: Cannot be True if treatment_is_binary is True, defaults to False :type treatment_is_category: bool :param outcome_is_binary: defaults to False, :type outcome_is_binary: bool :param stochastic_discretization: if False, quartiles are used when discretised variables are specified. They can be hot encoded, defaults True :type stochastic_discretization: bool :param num_discrete_common_causes: Number of discrete common causes of the total num_common_causes, defaults to 0 :type num_discrete_common_causes: int :param num_discrete_instruments: Number of discrete instrumental variables of the total num_instruments, defaults to 0 :type num_discrete_instruments : int :param num_discrete_effect_modifiers : Number of discrete effect modifiers of the total effect_modifiers, defaults to 0 :type num_discrete_effect_modifiers: int :param stddev_treatment_noise : defaults to 1 :type stddev_treatment_noise : float :param stddev_outcome_noise: defaults to 0.01 :type stddev_outcome_noise: float :param one_hot_encode: defaults to False :type one_hot_encode: bool :returns: Dictionary with pandas dataFrame and few other metadata variables. "df": pd.dataFrame with num_samples records. The variables follow a naming convention were the first letter indicates its role in the causality graph and then a sequence number. v variables - are the treatments. They can be binary or continuous. In the case of continuous abs(*beta*) defines thier magnitude; y - is the outcome variable. The generating equation is, y = normal(0, stddev_outcome_noise) + t @ beta [where @ is a numpy matrix multiplication allowing for beta be a vector] W variables - commonly cause both the treatment and the outcome and are iid. if continuous, they are Norm(mu = Unif(-1,1), sigma = 1) Z variables - Instrument variables. Each one affects all treatments. i.e. if there is one instrument and two treatments then z0->v0, z0->v1 X variables - effect modifiers. If continuous, they are Norm(mu = Unif(-1,1), sigma = 1) FD variables - Front door variables, v0->FD0->y "treatment_name": str/list(str) "outcome_name": str "common_causes_names": str/list(str) "instrument_names": str/list(str) "effect_modifier_names": str/list(str) "frontdoor_variables_names": str/list(str) "dot_graph": dot_graph, "gml_graph": gml_graph, "ate": float, the true ate in the dataset :rtype: dict Examples ******** .. code-block:: python import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np import dowhy.datasets def plot_gml(gml_graph): G = nx.parse_gml(gml_graph) pos=nx.spring_layout(G) nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_size=1000, node_color="darkorange") return( def describe_synthetic_data(synthetic_data): if (synthetic_data['gml_graph'] != None) : plot_gml(synthetic_data["gml_graph"]) synthetic_data_df=synthetic_data["df"] print('------- Variables --------') print('Treatment vars:' , synthetic_data['treatment_name']) print('Outcome vars:' , synthetic_data['outcome_name']) print('Common causes vars:' , synthetic_data['common_causes_names']) print('Instrument vars:' , synthetic_data['instrument_names']) print('Effect Modifier vars:', synthetic_data['effect_modifier_names']) print('Frontdoor vars:' , synthetic_data['frontdoor_variables_names']) print('Treatment vars:', synthetic_data['outcome_name']) print('-------- Corr -------') print(synthetic_data_df.corr()) print('------- Head --------') return(synthetic_data_df) # create a dataset with 10 observations one binary treatment and a continuous outcome affected by one common cause synthetic_data = dowhy.datasets.linear_dataset(beta = 100, num_common_causes = 1, num_samples =10 ) describe_synthetic_data(synthetic_data).head() # Two continuous treatments, no common cause, an instrumental variable and two effect modifiers - linearly added appropriately synthetic_data = dowhy.datasets.linear_dataset( beta = 100, num_common_causes = 0, num_samples = 20, num_instruments = 1, num_effect_modifiers = 2, num_treatments = 2, num_frontdoor_variables = 0, treatment_is_binary = False, treatment_is_category = False, outcome_is_binary = False, stochastic_discretization = True, num_discrete_common_causes = 0, num_discrete_instruments = 0, num_discrete_effect_modifiers = 0, stddev_treatment_noise = 1, stddev_outcome_noise = 0.01, one_hot_encode = False ) describe_synthetic_data(synthetic_data).head() # One Hot Encoding synthetic_data = dowhy.datasets.linear_dataset( beta = 100, num_common_causes = 2, num_samples = 20, num_instruments = 1, num_effect_modifiers = 1, num_treatments = 1, num_frontdoor_variables = 1, treatment_is_binary = False, treatment_is_category = False, outcome_is_binary = False, stochastic_discretization = True, num_discrete_common_causes = 1, #of the total num_common_causes num_discrete_instruments = 1, num_discrete_effect_modifiers = 1, stddev_treatment_noise = 1, stddev_outcome_noise = 0.01, one_hot_encode = True ) describe_synthetic_data(synthetic_data).head() """ assert not (treatment_is_binary and treatment_is_category) W, X, Z, FD, c1, c2, ce, cz, cfd1, cfd2 = [None] * 10 W_with_dummy, X_with_categorical = (None, None) beta = np.array(beta, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1) if num_treatments is None: num_treatments = beta.size else: beta = np.resize(beta, num_treatments) num_cont_common_causes = num_common_causes - num_discrete_common_causes num_cont_effect_modifiers = num_effect_modifiers - num_discrete_effect_modifiers if num_common_causes > 0: range_c1 = 0.5 + np.max(np.absolute(beta)) * 0.5 range_c2 = 0.5 + np.max(np.absolute(beta)) * 0.5 means = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, num_common_causes) cov_mat = np.diag(np.ones(num_common_causes)) W = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, cov_mat, num_samples) W_with_dummy = convert_to_categorical( W, num_common_causes, num_discrete_common_causes, quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], one_hot_encode=one_hot_encode ) c1 = np.random.uniform(0, range_c1, (W_with_dummy.shape[1], num_treatments)) c2 = np.random.uniform(0, range_c2, W_with_dummy.shape[1]) if num_instruments > 0: range_cz = 1 + np.max(np.absolute(beta)) p = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_instruments) Z = np.zeros((num_samples, num_instruments)) for i in range(num_instruments): if (i % 2) == 0: Z[:, i] = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=p[i], size=num_samples) else: Z[:, i] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=num_samples) # TODO Ensure that we do not generate weak instruments cz = np.random.uniform( range_cz - (range_cz * 0.05), range_cz + (range_cz * 0.05), (num_instruments, num_treatments) ) if num_effect_modifiers > 0: range_ce = 0.5 + np.max(np.absolute(beta)) * 0.5 means = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, num_effect_modifiers) cov_mat = np.diag(np.ones(num_effect_modifiers)) X = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, cov_mat, num_samples) X_with_categorical = convert_to_categorical( X, num_effect_modifiers, num_discrete_effect_modifiers, quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], one_hot_encode=one_hot_encode, ) ce = np.random.uniform(0, range_ce, X_with_categorical.shape[1]) # TODO - test all our methods with random noise added to covariates (instead of the stochastic treatment assignment) t = np.random.normal(0, stddev_treatment_noise, (num_samples, num_treatments)) if num_common_causes > 0: t += W_with_dummy @ c1 # + np.random.normal(0, 0.01) if num_instruments > 0: t += Z @ cz # Converting treatment to binary if required if treatment_is_binary: t = np.vectorize(convert_to_binary)(t) elif treatment_is_category: t = np.vectorize(stochastically_convert_to_three_level_categorical)(t) # Generating frontdoor variables if asked for if num_frontdoor_variables > 0: range_cfd1 = np.max(np.absolute(beta)) * 0.5 range_cfd2 = np.max(np.absolute(beta)) * 0.5 cfd1 = np.random.uniform(0, range_cfd1, (num_treatments, num_frontdoor_variables)) cfd2 = np.random.uniform(0, range_cfd2, num_frontdoor_variables) FD_noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, (num_samples, num_frontdoor_variables)) FD = FD_noise FD += t @ cfd1 if num_common_causes > 0: range_c1_frontdoor = range_c1 / 10.0 c1_frontdoor = np.random.uniform(0, range_c1_frontdoor, (W_with_dummy.shape[1], num_frontdoor_variables)) FD += W_with_dummy @ c1_frontdoor def _compute_y(t, W, X, FD, beta, c2, ce, cfd2, stddev_outcome_noise): y = np.random.normal(0, stddev_outcome_noise, num_samples) if num_frontdoor_variables > 0: y += FD @ cfd2 else: # NOTE: We are assuming a linear relationship *even when t is categorical* and integer coded. # For categorical t, this example dataset has the effect size for category 2 being exactly # double the effect for category 1 # This could be changed at this stage by one-hot encoding t and using a custom beta that # sets a different effect for each category {0, 1, 2} y += t @ beta if num_common_causes > 0: y += W @ c2 if num_effect_modifiers > 0: y += (X @ ce) *, axis=1) if outcome_is_binary: y = np.vectorize(convert_to_binary)(y, stochastic_discretization) return y y = _compute_y(t, W_with_dummy, X_with_categorical, FD, beta, c2, ce, cfd2, stddev_outcome_noise) data = np.column_stack((t, y)) if num_common_causes > 0: data = np.column_stack((W_with_dummy, data)) if num_instruments > 0: data = np.column_stack((Z, data)) if num_effect_modifiers > 0: data = np.column_stack((X_with_categorical, data)) if num_frontdoor_variables > 0: data = np.column_stack((FD, data)) # Computing ATE FD_T1, FD_T0 = None, None T1 = np.ones((num_samples, num_treatments)) T0 = np.zeros((num_samples, num_treatments)) if num_frontdoor_variables > 0: FD_T1 = FD_noise + (T1 @ cfd1) FD_T0 = FD_noise + (T0 @ cfd1) ate = np.mean( _compute_y(T1, W_with_dummy, X_with_categorical, FD_T1, beta, c2, ce, cfd2, stddev_outcome_noise) - _compute_y(T0, W_with_dummy, X_with_categorical, FD_T0, beta, c2, ce, cfd2, stddev_outcome_noise) ) treatments = [("v" + str(i)) for i in range(0, num_treatments)] outcome = "y" # constructing column names for one-hot encoded discrete features common_causes = construct_col_names( "W", num_common_causes, num_discrete_common_causes, num_discrete_levels=4, one_hot_encode=one_hot_encode ) instruments = [("Z" + str(i)) for i in range(0, num_instruments)] frontdoor_variables = [("FD" + str(i)) for i in range(0, num_frontdoor_variables)] effect_modifiers = construct_col_names( "X", num_effect_modifiers, num_discrete_effect_modifiers, num_discrete_levels=4, one_hot_encode=one_hot_encode ) other_variables = None col_names = frontdoor_variables + effect_modifiers + instruments + common_causes + treatments + [outcome] data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_names) # Specifying the correct dtypes if treatment_is_binary: data = data.astype({tname: "bool" for tname in treatments}, copy=False) elif treatment_is_category: data = data.astype({tname: "category" for tname in treatments}, copy=False) if outcome_is_binary: data = data.astype({outcome: "bool"}, copy=False) if num_discrete_common_causes > 0 and not one_hot_encode: data = data.astype({wname: "int64" for wname in common_causes[num_cont_common_causes:]}, copy=False) data = data.astype({wname: "category" for wname in common_causes[num_cont_common_causes:]}, copy=False) if num_discrete_effect_modifiers > 0 and not one_hot_encode: data = data.astype({emodname: "int64" for emodname in effect_modifiers[num_cont_effect_modifiers:]}, copy=False) data = data.astype( {emodname: "category" for emodname in effect_modifiers[num_cont_effect_modifiers:]}, copy=False ) # Now specifying the corresponding graph strings dot_graph = create_dot_graph(treatments, outcome, common_causes, instruments, effect_modifiers, frontdoor_variables) # Now writing the gml graph gml_graph = create_gml_graph(treatments, outcome, common_causes, instruments, effect_modifiers, frontdoor_variables) ret_dict = { "df": data, "treatment_name": treatments, "outcome_name": outcome, "common_causes_names": common_causes, "instrument_names": instruments, "effect_modifier_names": effect_modifiers, "frontdoor_variables_names": frontdoor_variables, "dot_graph": dot_graph, "gml_graph": gml_graph, "ate": ate, } return ret_dict
[docs]def simple_iv_dataset(beta, num_samples, num_treatments=None, treatment_is_binary=True, outcome_is_binary=False): """Simple instrumental variable dataset with a single IV and a single confounder.""" W, Z, c1, c2, cz = [None] * 5 num_instruments = 1 num_common_causes = 1 beta = np.array(beta, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1) if num_treatments is None: num_treatments = beta.size else: beta = np.resize(beta, num_treatments) c1 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (num_common_causes, num_treatments)) c2 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_common_causes) range_cz = 1 + np.max(np.absolute(beta)) # cz is much higher than c1 and c2 cz = np.random.uniform( range_cz - (range_cz * 0.05), range_cz + (range_cz * 0.05), (num_instruments, num_treatments) ) W = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (num_samples, num_common_causes)) Z = np.random.normal(0, 1, (num_samples, num_instruments)) t = np.random.normal(0, 1, (num_samples, num_treatments)) + Z @ cz + W @ c1 if treatment_is_binary: t = np.vectorize(convert_to_binary)(t) def _compute_y(t, W, beta, c2): y = t @ beta + W @ c2 return y y = _compute_y(t, W, beta, c2) # creating data frame data = np.column_stack((Z, W, t, y)) treatments = [("v" + str(i)) for i in range(0, num_treatments)] outcome = "y" common_causes = [("W" + str(i)) for i in range(0, num_common_causes)] ate = np.mean( _compute_y(np.ones((num_samples, num_treatments)), W, beta, c2) - _compute_y(np.zeros((num_samples, num_treatments)), W, beta, c2) ) instruments = [("Z" + str(i)) for i in range(0, num_instruments)] other_variables = None col_names = instruments + common_causes + treatments + [outcome] data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_names) # Specifying the correct dtypes if treatment_is_binary: data = data.astype({tname: "bool" for tname in treatments}, copy=False) if outcome_is_binary: data = data.astype({outcome: "bool"}, copy=False) # Now specifying the corresponding graph strings dot_graph = create_dot_graph(treatments, outcome, common_causes, instruments) # Now writing the gml graph gml_graph = create_gml_graph(treatments, outcome, common_causes, instruments) ret_dict = { "df": data, "treatment_name": treatments, "outcome_name": outcome, "common_causes_names": common_causes, "instrument_names": instruments, "effect_modifier_names": None, "dot_graph": dot_graph, "gml_graph": gml_graph, "ate": ate, } return ret_dict
[docs]def create_dot_graph(treatments, outcome, common_causes, instruments, effect_modifiers=[], frontdoor_variables=[]): dot_graph = "digraph {" for currt in treatments: if len(frontdoor_variables) == 0: dot_graph += "{0}->{1};".format(currt, outcome) dot_graph += " ".join([v + "-> " + currt + ";" for v in common_causes]) dot_graph += " ".join([v + "-> " + currt + ";" for v in instruments]) dot_graph += " ".join([currt + "-> " + v + ";" for v in frontdoor_variables]) dot_graph += " ".join([v + "-> " + outcome + ";" for v in common_causes]) dot_graph += " ".join([v + "-> " + outcome + ";" for v in effect_modifiers]) dot_graph += " ".join([v + "-> " + outcome + ";" for v in frontdoor_variables]) dot_graph = dot_graph + "}" # Adding edges between common causes and the frontdoor mediator for v1 in common_causes: dot_graph += " ".join([v1 + "-> " + v2 + ";" for v2 in frontdoor_variables]) return dot_graph
[docs]def create_gml_graph(treatments, outcome, common_causes, instruments, effect_modifiers=[], frontdoor_variables=[]): gml_graph = ("graph[directed 1" 'node[ id "{0}" label "{0}"]').format(outcome) gml_graph += " ".join(['node[ id "{0}" label "{0}"]'.format(v) for v in common_causes]) gml_graph += " ".join(['node[ id "{0}" label "{0}"]'.format(v) for v in instruments]) gml_graph += " ".join(['node[ id "{0}" label "{0}"]'.format(v) for v in frontdoor_variables]) for currt in treatments: gml_graph += ('node[ id "{0}" label "{0}"]').format(currt) if len(frontdoor_variables) == 0: gml_graph += 'edge[source "{0}" target "{1}"]'.format(currt, outcome) gml_graph += " ".join(['edge[ source "{0}" target "{1}"]'.format(v, currt) for v in common_causes]) gml_graph += " ".join(['edge[ source "{0}" target "{1}"]'.format(v, currt) for v in instruments]) gml_graph += " ".join(['edge[ source "{0}" target "{1}"]'.format(currt, v) for v in frontdoor_variables]) gml_graph = gml_graph + " ".join(['edge[ source "{0}" target "{1}"]'.format(v, outcome) for v in common_causes]) gml_graph = gml_graph + " ".join( ['node[ id "{0}" label "{0}"] edge[ source "{0}" target "{1}"]'.format(v, outcome) for v in effect_modifiers] ) gml_graph = gml_graph + " ".join( ['edge[ source "{0}" target "{1}"]'.format(v, outcome) for v in frontdoor_variables] ) for v1 in common_causes: gml_graph = gml_graph + " ".join( ['edge[ source "{0}" target "{1}"]'.format(v1, v2) for v2 in frontdoor_variables] ) gml_graph = gml_graph + "]" return gml_graph
[docs]def xy_dataset(num_samples, effect=True, num_common_causes=1, is_linear=True, sd_error=1): treatment = "Treatment" outcome = "Outcome" common_causes = ["w" + str(i) for i in range(num_common_causes)] time_var = "s" # Error terms E1 = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sd_error, size=num_samples) E2 = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sd_error, size=num_samples) S = np.random.uniform(0, 10, num_samples) T1 = 4 - (S - 3) * (S - 3) T1[S >= 5] = 0 T2 = (S - 7) * (S - 7) - 4 T2[S <= 5] = 0 W0 = T1 + T2 # hidden confounder tterm, yterm = 0, 0 if num_common_causes > 1: means = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, num_common_causes - 1) cov_mat = np.diag(np.ones(num_common_causes - 1)) otherW = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, cov_mat, num_samples) c1 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (otherW.shape[1], 1)) c2 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (otherW.shape[1], 1)) tterm = (otherW @ c1)[:, 0] yterm = (otherW @ c2)[:, 0] if is_linear: V = 6 + W0 + tterm + E1 Y = 6 + W0 + yterm + E2 # + (V-8)*(V-8) if effect: Y += V else: Y += 6 + W0 else: V = 6 + W0 * W0 + tterm + E1 Y = 6 + W0 * W0 + yterm + E2 # + (V-8)*(V-8) if effect: Y += V # /20 # divide by 10 to scale the value of Y to be comparable to V else: Y += 6 + W0 # else: # V = 6 + W0 + tterm + E1 # Y = 12 + W0*W0 + W0*W0 + yterm + E2 # E2_new dat = {treatment: V, outcome: Y, common_causes[0]: W0, time_var: S} if num_common_causes > 1: for i in range(otherW.shape[1]): dat[common_causes[i + 1]] = otherW[:, i] data = pd.DataFrame(data=dat) ret_dict = { "df": data, "treatment_name": treatment, "outcome_name": outcome, "common_causes_names": common_causes, "time_val": time_var, "instrument_names": None, "dot_graph": None, "gml_graph": None, "ate": None, } return ret_dict
[docs]def create_discrete_column(num_samples, std_dev=1): # Generating a random normal distribution of integers x = np.arange(-5, 6) xU, xL = x + 0.5, x - 0.5 prob = ss.norm.cdf(xU, scale=std_dev) - ss.norm.cdf( xL, scale=std_dev ) # probability of selecting a number x is p(x-0.5 < x < x+0.5) where x is a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation std_dev prob = prob / prob.sum() # normalize the probabilities so their sum is 1 nums = choice(a=x, size=num_samples, p=prob) # pick up an element return nums
[docs]def convert_continuous_to_discrete(arr): return arr.astype(int)
[docs]def generate_random_graph(n, max_iter=10): """ Function to generate random Directed Acyclic Graph :param n: number of nodes in the graph :param max_iter: number of iterations to create graph :returns: Directed Acyclic Graph See: """ g = get_simple_ordered_tree(n) for it in range(max_iter): i, j = get_random_node_pair(n) if g.has_edge(i, j) is True: del_edge(i, j, g) else: add_edge(i, j, g) return g
[docs]def dataset_from_random_graph( num_vars, num_samples=1000, prob_edge=0.3, random_seed=None, prob_type_of_data=(0.333, 0.333, 0.334) ): """ This function generates a dataset with discrete and continuous kinds of variables. It creates a random graph and models the variables linearly according to the relations in the graph. :param num_vars: Number of variables in the dataset :param num_samples: Number of samples in the dataset :param prob_edge : Probability of an edge between two random nodes in a graph :param random_seed: Seed for generating random graph :param prob_type_of_data : 3-element tuple containing the probability of data being discrete, binary and continuous respectively. :returns ret_dict : dictionary with information like dataframe, outcome, treatment, graph string and continuous, discrete and binary columns """ assert sum(list(prob_type_of_data)) == 1.0 if random_seed is None: random_seed = np.random.randint(0, 1e6) np.random.seed(random_seed) DAG = generate_random_graph(n=num_vars) mapping = dict(zip(DAG, string.ascii_lowercase)) DAG = nx.relabel_nodes(DAG, mapping) all_nodes = list(DAG.nodes) all_nodes.sort() num_nodes = len(all_nodes) changed = dict() discrete_cols = [] continuous_cols = [] binary_cols = [] random_numbers_array = np.random.rand( num_nodes ) # Random numbers between 0 to 1 to decide if that particular node will be discrete or continuous for node in all_nodes: changed[node] = False df = pd.DataFrame() currset = list() counter = 0 # Generating data for nodes which have no incoming edges for node in all_nodes: if DAG.in_degree(node) == 0: x = random_numbers_array[counter] counter += 1 if x <= prob_type_of_data[0]: df[node] = create_discrete_column(num_samples) # Generating discrete data discrete_cols.append(node) elif x <= prob_type_of_data[0] + prob_type_of_data[1]: df[node] = np.random.normal(0, 1, num_samples) # Generating continuous data continuous_cols.append(node) else: nums = np.random.normal(0, 1, num_samples) df[node] = np.vectorize(convert_to_binary)(nums) # Generating binary data discrete_cols.append(node) binary_cols.append(node) successors = list(DAG.successors(node)) # Storing immediate successors for next level data generation successors.sort() currset.extend(successors) changed[node] = True # "currset" variable currently has all the successors of the nodes which had no incoming edges while len(currset) > 0: cs = list() # Variable to store immediate children of nodes present in "currset" for node in currset: predecessors = list( DAG.predecessors(node) ) # Getting all the parent nodes on which current "node" depends on if changed[node] == False and all( changed[x] == True for x in predecessors ): # Check if current "node" has not been processed yet and if all the parent nodes have been processed successors = list(DAG.successors(node)) successors.sort() cs.extend(successors) # Storing immediate children for next level data generation X = df[predecessors].to_numpy() # Using parent nodes data c = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(predecessors)) t = np.random.normal(0, 1, num_samples) + X @ c # Using Linear Regression to generate data changed[node] = True x = random_numbers_array[counter] counter += 1 if x <= prob_type_of_data[0]: df[node] = convert_continuous_to_discrete(t) discrete_cols.append(node) elif x <= prob_type_of_data[0] + prob_type_of_data[1]: df[node] = t continuous_cols.append(node) else: nums = np.random.normal(0, 1, num_samples) df[node] = np.vectorize(convert_to_binary)(nums) discrete_cols.append(node) binary_cols.append(node) currset = cs outcome = None for node in all_nodes: if DAG.out_degree(node) == 0: outcome = node # Node which has no successors is outcome break treatments = list() for node in all_nodes: if DAG.in_degree(node) > 0: children = list(DAG.successors(node)) if outcome in children: treatments.append(node) # Node which causes outcome is treatment gml_str = "\n".join(nx.generate_gml(DAG)) ret_dict = { "df": df, "outcome_name": outcome, "treatment_name": treatments, "gml_graph": gml_str, "discrete_columns": discrete_cols, "continuous_columns": continuous_cols, "binary_columns": binary_cols, } return ret_dict
[docs]def partially_linear_dataset( beta, num_common_causes, num_unobserved_common_causes=0, strength_unobserved_confounding=1, num_samples=500, num_treatments=None, treatment_is_binary=True, treatment_is_category=False, outcome_is_binary=False, stochastic_discretization=True, num_discrete_common_causes=0, stddev_treatment_noise=1, stddev_outcome_noise=0, one_hot_encode=False, training_sample_size=10, random_state=0, ): assert not (treatment_is_binary and treatment_is_category) num_outcomes = 1 beta = np.array(beta, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1) if num_treatments is None: num_treatments = beta.size else: beta = np.resize(beta, num_treatments) num_cont_common_causes = num_common_causes - num_discrete_common_causes if num_common_causes > 0: range_c1 = 0.5 + np.max(np.absolute(beta)) * 0.5 means = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, num_common_causes) cov_mat = np.diag(np.ones(num_common_causes)) W = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, cov_mat, num_samples) W_with_dummy = convert_to_categorical( W, num_common_causes, num_discrete_common_causes, quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], one_hot_encode=one_hot_encode ) c1 = np.random.uniform(0, range_c1, (W_with_dummy.shape[1], num_treatments)) # assuming that all unobserved common causes are numerical and are not affected by one hot encoding if num_unobserved_common_causes > 0: c1[:num_unobserved_common_causes] = c1[:num_unobserved_common_causes] * strength_unobserved_confounding for i in range(num_unobserved_common_causes, W_with_dummy.shape[1]): c1[i] = c1[i] * strength_unobserved_confounding / (2**i) # Creating a NN to simulate the nuisance function hidden_layer_arch = (50, 50, 50) neural_network = MLPRegressor(random_state=random_state, hidden_layer_sizes=hidden_layer_arch) x = np.random.randn(training_sample_size, W_with_dummy.shape[1]) y = np.random.randn(training_sample_size, num_outcomes), np.ravel(y)) T = np.random.normal(0, stddev_treatment_noise, (num_samples, num_treatments)) T += W_with_dummy @ c1 if treatment_is_binary: T = np.vectorize(convert_to_binary)(x=T) # strength of unobserved confounding strength_vec = np.ones(W_with_dummy.shape[1]) strength_vec[:num_unobserved_common_causes] = ( strength_vec[:num_unobserved_common_causes] * strength_unobserved_confounding ) for i in range(num_unobserved_common_causes, W_with_dummy.shape[1]): strength_vec[i] = strength_vec[i] * strength_unobserved_confounding / (2**i) def _compute_y(T, W, beta, nn, stddev_outcome_noise): f_x = nn.predict(W) y = np.random.normal(0, stddev_outcome_noise, num_samples) y += T @ beta y += f_x if outcome_is_binary: y = np.vectorize(convert_to_binary)(y, stochastic_discretization) return y Y = _compute_y(T, W_with_dummy * strength_vec, beta, neural_network, stddev_outcome_noise) data = np.column_stack((T, Y)) if num_common_causes > 0: data = np.column_stack((W_with_dummy, data)) # Computing ATE T1 = np.ones((num_samples, num_treatments)) T0 = np.zeros((num_samples, num_treatments)) ate = np.mean( _compute_y(T1, W_with_dummy, beta, neural_network, stddev_outcome_noise) - _compute_y(T0, W_with_dummy, beta, neural_network, stddev_outcome_noise) ) treatments = [("v" + str(i)) for i in range(0, num_treatments)] outcome = "y" common_causes = construct_col_names( "W", num_common_causes, num_discrete_common_causes, num_discrete_levels=4, one_hot_encode=one_hot_encode ) col_names = common_causes + treatments + [outcome] data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_names) # Specifying the correct dtypes if treatment_is_binary: data = data.astype({tname: "bool" for tname in treatments}, copy=False) elif treatment_is_category: data = data.astype({tname: "category" for tname in treatments}, copy=False) if outcome_is_binary: data = data.astype({outcome: "bool"}, copy=False) if num_discrete_common_causes > 0 and not one_hot_encode: data = data.astype({wname: "int64" for wname in common_causes[num_cont_common_causes:]}, copy=False) data = data.astype({wname: "category" for wname in common_causes[num_cont_common_causes:]}, copy=False) dot_graph = create_dot_graph(treatments, outcome, common_causes, instruments=[]) # Now writing the gml graph gml_graph = create_gml_graph(treatments, outcome, common_causes, instruments=[]) ret_dict = { "df": data, "treatment_name": treatments, "outcome_name": outcome, "common_causes_names": common_causes, "dot_graph": dot_graph, "gml_graph": gml_graph, "ate": ate, } return ret_dict
[docs]def lalonde_dataset() -> pd.DataFrame: """Downloads and returns the Lalonde dataset from""" # The following code for loading the Lalonde dataset was copied from # # # Copyright 2018, Wayfair, Inc. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that # the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the # following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the # following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. cols = ["treat", "age", "educ", "black", "hisp", "married", "nodegr", "re74", "re75", "re78"] control = pd.read_csv( "", sep="\\s+", header=None, names=cols ) treated = pd.read_csv( "", sep="\\s+", header=None, names=cols ) lalonde = pd.concat([control, treated], ignore_index=True).astype({"treat": "bool"}, copy=False) lalonde["u74"] = np.where(lalonde["re74"] == 0, 1.0, 0.0) lalonde["u75"] = np.where(lalonde["re75"] == 0, 1.0, 0.0) return lalonde
[docs]def psid_dataset() -> pd.DataFrame: """Downloads and returns the PSID dataset from This is a non-experimental comparison group constructed by Lalonde, consisting entirely of control observations. """ # The following code is a slight modification of # # # Copyright 2018, Wayfair, Inc. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that # the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the # following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the # following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. cols = ["treat", "age", "educ", "black", "hisp", "married", "nodegr", "re74", "re75", "re78"] psid = pd.read_csv("", sep="\\s+", header=None, names=cols) psid = psid.astype({"treat": "bool"}, copy=False) psid["u74"] = np.where(psid["re74"] == 0, 1.0, 0.0) psid["u75"] = np.where(psid["re75"] == 0, 1.0, 0.0) return psid
[docs]def sales_dataset( start_date: str = "2021-01-01", end_date: str = "2021-12-31", frequency: str = "d", num_shopping_events: int = 15, original_product_price: int = 1000, product_production_cost: int = 500, based_ad_spending: int = 1000, change_of_price: float = 1.0, change_of_demand: float = 1.25, page_visitor_factor: float = 1.0, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create a sales dataset based on a single product item with daily data. This closely follows the blog post: :param start_date: The starting date for the dataset, formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". Default is "2021-01-01". :param end_date: The ending date for the dataset, formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". Default is "2021-12-31". :param frequency: Frequency for the date range. Default is "d" (daily). :param num_shopping_events: Number of special shopping events. Default is 15. :param original_product_price: The initial price of the product. Default is 1000. :param product_production_cost: Cost of producing one unit of the product. Default is 500. :param based_ad_spending: Base spending on ad campaigns. Default is 1000. :param change_of_price: Factor by which the price changes. For example, a value of 0.9 means a 10% decrease. Default is 1.0. :param change_of_demand: Factor by which the demand changes with a change in price. See for more information. This influences the number of sold units. Default is 1.25. :param page_visitor_factor: A factor to adjust the number of page visits. Default is 1.0. :return: A dataframe containing columns related to sales data. The columns of the dataset are: - Shopping Event?: A binary value indicating whether a special shopping event took place. - Ad Spend: Spending on ad campaigns. - Page Views: Number of visits on the product detail page. - Unit Price: Price of the device, which could vary due to temporary discounts. - Sold Units: Number of sold units. - Revenue: Daily revenue. - Operational Cost: Daily operational expenses. - Profit: Daily profit. """ shopping_event_col = "Shopping Event?" ad_spend_col = "Ad Spend" page_visit_col = "Page Views" price_col = "Unit Price" units_sold_col = "Sold Units" revenue_col = "Revenue" profit_col = "Profit" date_col = "Date" operation_col = "Operational Cost" days = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, inclusive="both", freq=frequency) shopping_events = days[np.random.choice(days.shape[0], size=num_shopping_events, replace=False)] base_price = original_product_price * change_of_price df = pd.DataFrame({date_col: days}) df[shopping_event_col] = df[date_col].isin(shopping_events) df[ad_spend_col] = ( based_ad_spending + df[shopping_event_col] * uniform.rvs(loc=1000, scale=1000, size=df.shape[0]) + (1 - df[shopping_event_col]) * uniform.rvs(loc=100, scale=400, size=df.shape[0]) ) df[page_visit_col] = ( poisson.rvs(mu=10000 * page_visitor_factor, size=df.shape[0]) + uniform.rvs(loc=5000 * page_visitor_factor, scale=5000, size=df.shape[0]) * df[shopping_event_col] + halfnorm.rvs(loc=0.5 * page_visitor_factor, scale=0.01, size=df.shape[0]) * df[ad_spend_col] + halfnorm.rvs(loc=1000 * page_visitor_factor, scale=100, size=df.shape[0]) ) df[page_visit_col] = df[page_visit_col].astype(int) df[price_col] = ( base_price + uniform.rvs(loc=-200, scale=200, size=df.shape[0]) * df[shopping_event_col] + bernoulli.rvs(p=0.02, size=df.shape[0]) * uniform.rvs(loc=-20, scale=20, size=df.shape[0]) ) price_changes = 1 - df[price_col] / original_product_price demand_changes = price_changes * change_of_demand * (1 + price_changes) demand_changes[price_changes == 0] = 1 price_changes[price_changes == 0] = 1 df[units_sold_col] = [ poisson.rvs( mu=demand_changes.iloc[i] / price_changes.iloc[i] * 0.2 * df[page_visit_col].iloc[i] + uniform.rvs(loc=100, scale=1000) * df[shopping_event_col].iloc[i] ) for i in range(df.shape[0]) ] df[units_sold_col] = df[units_sold_col].astype(int) df[revenue_col] = df[price_col] * df[units_sold_col] df[operation_col] = ( df[ad_spend_col] + product_production_cost * df[units_sold_col] + halfnorm.rvs(loc=500000, scale=10, size=df.shape[0]) ) df[profit_col] = df[revenue_col] - df[operation_col] return df