Source code for dowhy.causal_refuters.non_parametric_sensitivity_analyzer

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

from dowhy.causal_refuters.partial_linear_sensitivity_analyzer import PartialLinearSensitivityAnalyzer
from dowhy.causal_refuters.reisz import get_alpha_estimator, get_generic_regressor
from dowhy.utils.regression import generate_moment_function, get_numeric_features

[docs]class NonParametricSensitivityAnalyzer(PartialLinearSensitivityAnalyzer): """ Non-parametric sensitivity analysis for causal estimators. Two important quantities used to estimate the bias are alpha and g. g := E[Y | T, W, Z] denotes the long regression function g_s := E[Y | T, W] denotes the short regression function α := (T - E[T | W, Z] ) / (E(T - E[T | W, Z]) ^ 2) denotes long reisz representer α_s := (T - E[T | W] ) / (E(T - E[T | W]) ^ 2) denotes short reisz representer Bias = E(g_s - g)(α_s - α) Thus, The bound is the product of additional variations that omitted confounders generate in the regression function and in the reisz representer for partially linear models. It can be written as, Bias = S * Cg * Calpha where Cg and Calpha are explanatory powers of the confounder and S^2 = E(Y - g_s) ^ 2 * E(α_s ^ 2) Based on this work: Chernozhukov, V., Cinelli, C., Newey, W., Sharma, A., & Syrgkanis, V. (2022). Long Story Short: Omitted Variable Bias in Causal Machine Learning (No. w30302). National Bureau of Economic Research. :param estimator: estimator of the causal model :param num_splits: number of splits for cross validation. (default = 5) :param shuffle_data : shuffle data or not before splitting into folds (default = False) :param shuffle_random_seed: seed for randomly shuffling data :param benchmark_common_causes: names of variables for bounding strength of confounders :param significance_level: confidence interval for statistical inference(default = 0.05) :param frac_strength_treatment: strength of association between unobserved confounder and treatment compared to benchmark covariate :param frac_strength_outcome: strength of association between unobserved confounder and outcome compared to benchmark covariate :param g_s_estimator_list: list of estimator objects for finding g_s. These objects should have fit() and predict() functions. :param g_s_estimator_param_list: list of dictionaries with parameters for tuning respective estimators in "g_s_estimator_list". :param alpha_s_estimator_list: list of estimator objects for finding the treatment predictor which is used for alpha_s estimation. These objects should have fit() and predict_proba() functions. :param alpha_s_estimator_param_list: list of dictionaries with parameters for tuning respective estimators in "alpha_s_estimator_list". The order of the dictionaries in the list should be consistent with the estimator objects order in "g_s_estimator_list" :param observed_common_causes: common causes dataframe :param outcome: outcome dataframe :param treatment: treatment dataframe :param theta_s: point estimate for the estimator :param plugin_reisz: whether to use plugin reisz estimator. False by default. The plugin estimator works only for single-dimensional, binary treatment. """ def __init__(self, *args, theta_s, plugin_reisz=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.theta_s = theta_s # whether the DGP is assumed to be partially linear self.is_partial_linear = False self.moment_function = None self.alpha_s = None self.m_alpha = None self.g_s = None self.m_g = None self.plugin_reisz = plugin_reisz
[docs] def check_sensitivity(self, plot=True): """ Function to perform sensitivity analysis. The following formulae are used to obtain the upper and lower bound respectively. θ+ = θ_s + S * C_g * C_α θ- = θ_s - S * C_g * C_α where θ_s is the obtained estimate, S^2 = E[Y - gs]^2 * E[α_s]^ 2 S is obtained by debiased machine learning. θ_s = E[m(W, gs) + (Y - gs) * α_s] σ² = E[Y - gs]^2 ν^2 = 2 * E[m(W, α_s )] - E[α_s ^ 2] :param plot: plot = True generates a plot of lower confidence bound of the estimate for different variations of unobserved confounding. plot = False overrides the setting :returns: instance of NonParametricSensitivityAnalyzer class """ # features are the observed confounders features = self.observed_common_causes.copy() treatment_df = self.treatment.copy().astype(int) W = features.to_numpy() X = pd.concat([treatment_df, features], axis=1) numeric_features = get_numeric_features(X=X) numeric_features_alpha = get_numeric_features(X=features) T = treatment_df.values.ravel() X = X.to_numpy() Y = self.outcome.copy() Y = Y.values.ravel() cv = KFold(n_splits=self.num_splits, shuffle=self.shuffle_data, random_state=self.shuffle_random_seed) num_samples = X.shape[0] split_indices = list(cv.split(X)) indices = np.arange(0, num_samples, 1) self.moment_function = generate_moment_function self.alpha_s = np.zeros(num_samples) self.m_alpha = np.zeros(num_samples) self.g_s = np.zeros(num_samples) self.m_g = np.zeros(num_samples) self.g_s_j = np.zeros(num_samples) self.alpha_s_j = np.zeros(num_samples) propensities = np.zeros(num_samples) reg_function = get_generic_regressor( cv=split_indices, X=X, Y=Y, max_degree=self.reisz_polynomial_max_degree, estimator_list=self.g_s_estimator_list, estimator_param_list=self.g_s_estimator_param_list, numeric_features=numeric_features, ) reisz_function = get_alpha_estimator( cv=split_indices, X=X, max_degree=self.reisz_polynomial_max_degree, estimator_list=self.alpha_s_estimator_list, estimator_param_list=self.alpha_s_estimator_param_list, numeric_features=numeric_features_alpha, plugin_reisz=self.plugin_reisz, ) for train, test in split_indices: reisz_fn_fit =[train]) self.alpha_s[test] = reisz_fn_fit.predict(X[test]) if self.plugin_reisz: propensities[test] = reisz_fn_fit.propensity(X[test]) self.m_alpha[test] = self.moment_function(X[test], reisz_fn_fit.predict) reg_fn_fit =[train], Y[train]) self.g_s[test] = reg_fn_fit.predict(X[test]) self.m_g[test] = self.moment_function(X[test], reg_fn_fit.predict) self.m = self.m_g + self.alpha_s * (Y - self.g_s) if self.plugin_reisz: self.var_alpha_s = np.mean(1 / (propensities * (1 - propensities))) else: self.var_alpha_s = np.var(self.alpha_s) self.nu_2 = np.mean(2 * self.m_alpha[indices] - self.alpha_s[indices] ** 2) self.sigma_2 = np.mean((Y[indices] - self.g_s[indices]) ** 2) self.S2 = self.nu_2 * self.sigma_2 self.S = np.sqrt(self.S2) Y_residual = Y[indices] - self.g_s[indices] self.neyman_orthogonal_score_outcome = Y_residual**2 - self.sigma_2 self.neyman_orthogonal_score_treatment = 2 * self.m_alpha[indices] - self.alpha_s[indices] ** 2 - self.nu_2 self.neyman_orthogonal_score_theta = self.m[indices] - self.theta_s # Now code for benchmarking using covariates begins # R^2 of outcome with observed common causes and treatment self.r2y_tw = np.var(self.g_s) / np.var(Y) # R^2 of treatment with observed common causes self.r2t_w = self.get_regression_r2( X=W, Y=T, numeric_features=numeric_features_alpha, split_indices=split_indices ) if self.benchmarking: delta_r2_y_wj, var_alpha_wj = self.compute_r2diff_benchmarking_covariates( treatment_df, features, T, Y, W, self.benchmark_common_causes, split_indices=split_indices, is_partial_linear=self.is_partial_linear, ) # Partial R^2 of outcome after regressing over unobserved confounder, observed common causes and treatment # Assuming that the difference in R2 is the same for wj and new unobserved confounder delta_r2y_u = self.frac_strength_outcome * delta_r2_y_wj self.r2yu_tw = delta_r2y_u / (1 - self.r2y_tw) # partial R2 for outcome # for treatment, Calpha is not a function of the partial R2. So we need a different assumption. # Assuming that the ratio of variance of alpha^2 is the same for wj and new unobserved confounder ratio_var_alpha_wj = var_alpha_wj / self.var_alpha_s # (1-ratio_var_alpha_wj) is the numerator of Calpha2, similar to the partial R2 for treatment # wrt unobserved confounders in partial-linear models self.r2tu_w = self.frac_strength_treatment * (1 - ratio_var_alpha_wj) if self.r2yu_tw >= 1: self.r2yu_tw = 1 self.logger.warning( "Warning: r2yu_tw can not be > 1. Try a lower effect_fraction_on_outcome. Setting r2yu_tw to 1" ) else: self.r2yu_tw = self.effect_strength_outcome self.r2tu_w = self.effect_strength_treatment benchmarking_results = self.perform_benchmarking( r2yu_tw=self.r2yu_tw, r2tu_w=self.r2tu_w, significance_level=self.significance_level, is_partial_linear=self.is_partial_linear, ) self.results = pd.DataFrame(benchmarking_results, index=[0]) self.RV = self.calculate_robustness_value(alpha=None, is_partial_linear=self.is_partial_linear) self.RV_alpha = self.calculate_robustness_value( alpha=self.significance_level, is_partial_linear=self.is_partial_linear ) if plot == True: self.plot() return self
[docs] def get_phi_lower_upper(self, Cg, Calpha): """ Calculate lower and upper influence function (phi) :param Cg: measure of strength of confounding that omitted variables generate in outcome regression :param Calpha: measure of strength of confounding that omitted variables generate in treatment regression :returns : lower bound of phi, upper bound of phi """ bounds_estimator_upper = self.neyman_orthogonal_score_theta + ((Cg * Calpha) / (2 * self.S)) * ( self.sigma_2 * self.neyman_orthogonal_score_treatment + self.nu_2 * self.neyman_orthogonal_score_treatment ) bounds_estimator_lower = self.neyman_orthogonal_score_theta - ((Cg * Calpha) / (2 * self.S)) * ( self.sigma_2 * self.neyman_orthogonal_score_treatment + self.nu_2 * self.neyman_orthogonal_score_treatment ) return bounds_estimator_lower, bounds_estimator_upper
[docs] def get_alpharegression_var(self, X, numeric_features, split_indices, reisz_model=None): """ Calculates the variance of reisz function :param X: numpy array containing set of regressors :param split_indices: training and testing data indices obtained after cross folding :returns: variance of reisz function """ if reisz_model is None: reisz_model = get_alpha_estimator( cv=split_indices, X=X, max_degree=self.reisz_polynomial_max_degree, estimator_list=self.alpha_s_estimator_list, estimator_param_list=self.alpha_s_estimator_param_list, numeric_features=numeric_features, plugin_reisz=self.plugin_reisz, ) num_samples = X.shape[0] pred = np.zeros(num_samples) if self.plugin_reisz: for train, test in split_indices: reisz_fn_fit =[train]) pred[test] = reisz_fn_fit.propensity(X[test]) newpred = 1 / (pred * (1 - pred)) return np.mean(newpred) else: for train, test in split_indices: reisz_fn_fit =[train]) pred[test] = reisz_fn_fit.predict(X[test]) return np.var(pred)